Glass Industry News

Picvisa Achieves B Corp Certification, Consolidating its Leadership in Sustainability in the Sorting for Recycling Technology Sector

, Picvisa

First Company in the Sector to Obtain the Certification: Picvisa distinguishes itself as the first company in the recycling sorting technology sector to obtain B Corp Certification.


Commitment to Social and Environmental Impact: Recognition of Picvisa's corporate responsibility and transparency with the acquisition of the certification.


Part of a Global Movement: Picvisa joins a global community of over 7,000 B Corps committed to transforming the global economy.


Barcelona, January 15 - Picvisa Machine Vision Systems, a pioneer in optical separation technology and part of Calaf Grup, has reached a significant milestone by obtaining B Corp Certification, becoming the first company in the recycling sorting technology sector to receive this recognition. This certification highlights Picvisa's compliance with high standards in terms of social and environmental performance, transparency, and corporate responsibility.


B Corps lead a global movement that seeks to transform the global economy following criteria that generate a positive impact not only on the company but also on the social and environmental spheres. Picvisa, as a leader in this systemic change, joins a growing community of companies that seek to redefine the meaning of business success, a success that is measured not only in economic terms but also in the well-being of people, communities, and the planet.


The B Corp standard evaluates the performance of the management across the entire company and covers five key impact areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers. It is awarded by B Lab to leading companies in their commitment to social and environmental responsibility after undergoing a rigorous evaluation process.


Picvisa is now part of a community of more than 7,000 companies worldwide that have become B Corps. Pablo Sánchez, Executive Director of B Lab Spain, has celebrated the incorporation of Picvisa into the community, highlighting its “contribution to reducing inequality, respecting and regenerating the environment, strengthening communities, and creating high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose.” Joan Manel Casamitjana, CEO of Picvisa, highlights that "obtaining the B Corp Certification marks a fundamental milestone in the trajectory of Picvisa. This reaffirms our unwavering commitment to sustainability and innovation in the recycling technology sector. We are proud to lead the way, not only in technological advancement but also in corporate responsibility, ensuring a better future for our planet and the communities we serve."

, © Picvisa

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