Glass Industry News


, Onyx

Gioia 22 skyscraper in Milan, which has 6,500 m2 of photovoltaic glass from the Spanish company Onyx Solar, has been awarded as a finalist at the MIPIM Awards 2022, in the category of 'Best Office & Business Development'.

The event, held last week, is part of the MIPIM international fair, the largest event in the Real Estate sector in the world, which presents the most outstanding Real Estate projects and developments that are currently being carried out. Held in Cannes, France, it annually receives around 25,000 professionals from all over the world, and in its 30th edition it was inaugurated by former French President François Hollande.

Onyx Solar, as usual, has been an exhibitor at this international event to present its latest innovations in colored photovoltaic glass, learn about trends in the sector, and establish relationships with the world's leading architects, constructors and developers.

Gioia 22 is a new and historic office tower developed by COIMA and designed by the international architecture firm Pelli Clark & ​​Partners.

The building has become one of the most iconic skyscrapers in Italy and a world benchmark in terms of energy efficiency, thanks to its innovative design that incorporates unprecedented standards of technological innovation and environmental sustainability, such as photovoltaic glass from Onyx Solar. Permasteelisa Group partnered with Onyx Solar to develop the photovoltaic façade of this tower, divided into 26 floors above ground reaching 120 meters, located in the heart of Porta Nuova Garibaldi, in Milan.

The photovoltaic glass manufactured using crystalline silicon technology is integrated into the entire facade of the skyscraper in the form of a spandrel, thanks to which it is capable of producing energy equivalent to the average needs of 300 residential homes while the high performance façade has many technological and sustainable elements such as the 2,900 units with integrated photovoltaic modules that allow it to generate 450,000 kWh of clean and free energy each year thanks to the sun.

Gioia 22 tower is the first building of its size to be designed and built to Near Zero Energy Building Standards (NZEB). It should also be noted that it produces 65% of its energy needs from renewable sources, and has LEED Platinum certification.




We are a technology-based company founded in 2009 that manufactures photovoltaic glass for buildings in Spain. It is an architectural glass that allows buildings to generate the energy they need cleanly and free of charge while providing optimal insulation.

We have supplied our innovative photovoltaic glass for the construction of skyscrapers in Singapore, convention centers in Canada, tourist attractions in Dubai, railway stations and airports in the US, hospitals in Norway, banks in Kenya, shopping malls in Mexico or universities and colleges in Australia.

Leading companies such as Samsung, Hewlett-Packard, Novartis, Pfizer, Heineken, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and other multinationals already enjoy the advantages of the energy generated by our glass in their buildings. Among our clients there are also functions such as the Edmonton City Council, a great world leader to fight against climate change, the US National Nuclear Security Agency or the US Department of State itself for which we run the US embassy in Jakarta.

During these years we have achieved that the main architecture studios in the world such as Norman Foster, Gensler, Perkins+Will, KPF or HOK periodically prescribe our photovoltaic glass in their architectural projects.

During these years we have received more than 80 international awards, which makes us the most awarded company in the photovoltaic sector in history and consolidates it as the undisputed leader in the global market. The European Commission itself awarded us as "European Champion in Innovation" of 2019.

, © Onyx

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