Glass Industry News


, Sparklike Oy

Lasifakta Oy and Sparklike Oy were asked to go on-site and control the level of implementation for, among other things, the insulating glass gas fill content. The chosen locations where 1) a well-known building in one of the European capitals and 2) an international airport in Europe. The quality control of IG gas fill levels was conducted by using Sparklike Laser Portable™ device that enables non-destructive insulating gas analysis for triple and double glazed IGU’s, even through coatings and laminated glasses. Sparklike Laser Portable™ has the whole system integrated into a robust case, allowing easy mobility in factories and on building sites.

“I have been pleased to find out that growing number of our collaborators are keen on contacting us in the very beginner stages of the construction planning process, “ Mr. Tahvo Sutela from Lasifakta says. 

One of the European capitals commissioned Lasifakta to conduct an on-site quality control measurement to one of the buildings they own. Their main goal was to construct a high-quality building, and therefore they wanted to make sure that the implementation had happened according to the original plan. During the visit, Lasifakta and Sparklike randomly selected and measured 8 already installed triple glazed IGU’s.

The same units were measured multiple times. Both, the commissioner as well as the contractor were particularly pleased about the additional information they received concerning the insulating glass gas fill concentration levels of already installed IGU’s.  

The other commissioning case for an on-site quality control took place at an international European airport where Lasifakta and Sparklike went to check insulating glass gas concentration, and therefore building’s energy efficiency. Also with this case, it was important to check that the level of implementation had happened according to the original plan. Furthermore, also in this commissioning, the measured units were selected randomly. The measurement sample included both, double and triple glazed IGU’s. When analysing customized double glazed IGU’s, the gas fill levels did not always fulfil the industry requirements, since the average gas fill concentration varied between 1% and 82%. The on-site insulating gas concentration analysis act as a prime example, where the contractor has the possibility to verify that the level of implementation had happened according to the original plan. In terms of DGU and TGU it meant that the measured units fulfilled the prevailing energy efficiency requirements. 

“These two commissioning cases are a clear indication of the need as well as the growing interest towards on-site IG gas fill percentage measurement. The contractors were happy to notice that it is now possible to analyse IGU’s gas concentration reliably, repeatable and most importantly – also on-site. All in all, I hope that with the help of these on-site measurements we will soon be able to witness a significant improvement in production quality control,” Mr. Sutela concludes.

To sum up, Lasifakta firmly believes that customer expectations fulfilling, cost-effective and sensible glass planning as well as consulting can be achieved by identifying and considering the limitations and opportunities of different glass products and production technologies. This, on the other hand, allows significant cost saving, cost management and the possibility to confront any time management challenges head on.

, © Sparklike Oy

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