Glass Industry News

Oliver Luedtke becomes Chief Marketing Officer at ColorGATE

, ColorGATE

ColorGATE, a leading vendor of powerful software and hardware products for color critical digital printing applications, sets the course for further growth and improves its organization once more:

Oliver Luedtke, well-known marketing and communications expert in the inkjet industry, has been put in charge of managing and developing ColorGATE’s marketing organization. As Chief Marketing Officer, he is a member of the executive board. His scope of responsibility includes marketing communication, product management and technical documentation.

Oliver has been active in the digital printing industry since more than 20 years. He holds a degree in printing technology and has experienced and influenced the digitalization of the printing industry from the beginning. Before joining ColorGATE, Luedtke held senior positions with Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Best GmbH, EFI and Kornit Digital.

Oliver is looking forward to his new challenge: “I have known ColorGATE since the nineties, and I have always been impressed by the way the company adjusted to the ever-changing market conditions, in a highly flexible and innovative fashion. ColorGATE has been a technology leader in digital proofing and color management and has recently been growing with its industrial printing products, be it for ceramics, packaging, textiles or décor printing. The products are technologically very advanced, but I do see an opportunity for raising ColorGATE’s profile and to make its products and services known to even more users.”

Thomas Kirschner, Founder and CEO of ColorGATE comments: “I am very happy that we got Oliver on board. We will benefit significantly from his international experience in many areas of digital printing. In our initial talks, we already agreed that industrial inkjet printing holds a huge growth opportunity for us, but also requires us to communicate our competence and strategy clearly. On top of that, Oliver brings a very pragmatic approach with him, as well as a strong sales focus.”

About ColorGATE 
For more than 20 years, ColorGATEs software, color and service competence has been driving the digitalization of the printing industry. The company offers a broad range of proofing and color management solutions for graphic arts and large format printing, but it is also growing strongly in the growing industrial printing market. ColorGATE offers digital expertise and solutions for printing system manufacturers, as well as print service providers and technology users in décor, ceramics, textile and packaging printing.

ColorGATE delivers an innovative, tailor-made and modular portfolio of software and hardware solutions for industrial printing and decoration applications along the entire process chain. ColorGATE puts a special focus on accurate and consistent color reproduction, combined with highest performance.
ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH is managed by co-founder Thomas Kirschner as CEO since 1997 and is an independent subsidiary of Ricoh Company Ltd. since 2018.

, © ColorGATE

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