Glass Industry News

O-I Glass Issues 2021 Sustainability Report

, O-I Glass

O-I Glass, Inc. has published its 2021 Sustainability Report examining the vision, innovation and transformation behind its vision to be the most innovative, sustainable and chosen supplier of brand-building packaging solutions.

The report highlights the refresh of O-I’s business strategy, elevating sustainability within the company while achieving a number of sustainable firsts for the industry.

“While we believe glass packaging is already the most sustainable packaging solution, sustainability at O-I is about more than what we make. It is also about how we make it,” said Andres Lopes, Chief Executive Officer for O-I. “We enhanced matters, from our approach to governance and management of sustainability to the number of initiatives and quantitative goals. We are excited to share our elevated ambitions and what they mean for O-I and its stakeholders.”

In 2020, O-I introduced structural enhancements to deepen and accelerate sustainability progress, including the appointment of its first Chief Sustainability Officer, to create an integrated approach around shared goals and collaborative changes in the company.

Among the new sustainability goals for O-I, recycled content, water reduction, renewable energy and zero waste have been added to the ambitious and aspirational goals to achieve by 2030. These goals represent a holistic approach to improving energy use, emissions, materials procurement, waste and water.

“This report highlights the transformational aspects of our business, providing a holistic view of how O-I and glass packaging will play a role in the sustainable future we all seek,” said Randy Burns, Chief Sustainability Officer for O-I. “O-I’s vision and journey for this sustainable future is not a blue-sky vision. It is here, today.”

O-I was the first glass packaging maker to have an approved Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) emissions reduction target. The company was also the first in the industry to issue a green bond for qualified sustainable projects.

The sustainability report provides insight into the ways that O-I is reimagining and reinventing the business model for glass packaging, working toward a future where the circularity of glass meets industry-changing technology that will disrupt how glass is made and sold.

The report is available for download at the sustainability section of The report also features O-I’s sustainable scorecard to detail progress against goals, along with its vision to become the most sustainable producer of the most sustainable rigid packaging material.

, © O-I Glass

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