Glass Industry News

O-I Announces Commencement of Consent Solicitations and Process to Amend Bank Credit Agreement Related to Corporate Modernization

, Owens-Illinois

Owens-Illinois, Inc. (“O-I” or the “Company”) today announced that the Board of Directors of the Company has authorized the commencement of consent solicitations to amend and waive certain provisions in the indentures governing the outstanding senior notes issued by certain of the Company’s subsidiaries and an amendment to the Company’s bank credit agreement.

The purpose of the consent solicitations and bank credit agreement amendment is to facilitate the implementation of the Corporate Modernization (as defined below), which, if implemented, would be expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

The Company believes that the Corporate Modernization would improve the Company’s operating efficiency and cost structure, while ensuring the Company remains well-positioned to address its legacy liabilities.

It is not expected that the Corporate Modernization would result in any change in the public company’s directors, executive officers, management or business, impact the timing of the declaration and payment of regular quarterly dividends, nor, from a credit perspective, affect cash flow support from subsidiaries or change the credit group for purposes of the senior notes issued by the Company's subsidiaries or the bank credit agreement. It is intended that the Corporate Modernization, if implemented, should be a tax-free transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes for O-I and O-I’s stockholders.

The Corporate Modernization, if implemented, would include the creation of a new holding company, O-I Glass, Inc. (“O-I Glass”), which would become the new parent company of O-I, replacing O-I as the public company trading on the New York Stock Exchange under O-I’s current ticker symbol, “OI,” and the automatic conversion of each outstanding share of O-I’s common stock into the right to receive a share of common stock of O-I Glass on a one-for-one basis (the “Reorganization”). Following the Reorganization, the old parent company would distribute the capital stock of Owens-Illinois Group, Inc. (“OI Group”) to O-I Glass, as a result of which OI Group would be a direct wholly owned subsidiary of O-I Glass (the “Distribution” and, together with the Reorganization and related transactions, the “Corporate Modernization”).

Consent Solicitations

The Company announced that its wholly owned subsidiaries Owens-Brockway Glass Container Inc. (“OBGC”) and OI European Group B.V. (“OIEG” and, together with OBGC, the “Issuers”), commenced consent solicitations with respect to proposed amendments and waivers to certain provisions in the indentures governing OBGC’s 5.000% Senior Notes due 2022, OBGC’s 5.875% Senior Notes due 2023, OBGC’s 5.375% Senior Notes due 2025, OBGC’s 6.375% Senior Notes due 2025, OIEG’s 4.875% Senior Notes due 2021, OIEG’s 4.000% Senior Notes due 2023 and OIEG’s 3.125% Senior Notes due 2024 (collectively, the “Notes”), upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the consent solicitation statement dated December 4, 2019 (“Consent Solicitation Statement”).

Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Consent Solicitation Statement, holders of Notes on December 3, 2019 whose consents are received (and not validly revoked) at or prior to 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on December 11, 2019 (unless extended or earlier terminated, the “Expiration Time”) will be eligible to receive the applicable consent fee (each, a “Consent Fee”) with respect to such Notes set forth in the tables below.

, © Owens-Illinois

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