Glass Industry News

NSG Group is rebuilding one of its furnaces at its float glass plant in Laurinburg, North Carolina, USA.

, NSG Group

NSG Group is rebuilding one of its furnaces at its float glass plant in Laurinburg, North Carolina. The project started on March 10, 2021 and is expected to be completed in late June 2021.

“The investment is part of our ongoing commitment to our customers and the Laurinburg community,” said Chris Miller, Manufacturing Operations Director.

The Laurinburg plant manufactures float glass for the commercial architectural and export markets. It is located approximately 100 miles southwest of Raleigh and currently employs around 400 people. 

About NSG Group
NSG Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of glass and glazing products for the architectural, automotive industry and technical glass sectors. The NSG Group has principal operations worldwide and sales in over 100 countries.

The Flat Glass business (Architectural and Automotive) of the NSG Group operates under the Pilkington brand. For more information on Pilkington North America and its products visit

Pilkington North America manufactures and markets glass and glazing products for the architectural and automotive markets.

Float glass operations

Five float glass lines: Rossford, Ohio (2); Laurinburg, North Carolina (2); and Ottawa, Illinois (1). In addition, NSG Glass North America operates a float glass line in Luckey, Ohio.

The North American Development Center for the Automotive and Architectural businesses is located in Northwood, Ohio.

The Architectural Glass main office and the legal, ethics and compliance, information systems, and human resources departments are located in Toledo, Ohio.

Automotive Aftermarket operations

The North American aftermarket operations supply laminated and tempered glass for the automotive glass replacement market. Products are shipped from its distribution centers in Columbus, Ohio and Phoenix, Arizona to external retailers and wholesale customers and its network of company-owned wholesale service centers throughout the US. The business also has aftermarket operations located throughout Mexico.

The business also sells a complete solution for precise auto glass camera calibration. The Opti-Aim™ calibration tool can be used for managing complex installations that demand precise, camera-ready accuracy for all makes and models. In addition, The Calibration People™ service locations provide customers with a convenient option for static, dynamic and dual calibrations. This new service is the next step in ensuring every customer has access to a calibration solution that fits their business and keeps drivers safe. 

, © NSG Group

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