Glass Industry News

NSG Group Announces Location of New U.S. Manufacturing Plant

, NSG Group

NSG Group announced today it has selected a location for its new glass production facility in the United States. The new plant will support the Group’s plan to expand production capacity of online TCO (transparent conductive oxide) coated glass to support the growing solar market, as announced in May 2018.

The 500,000 square foot facility will be located in Troy Township, Ohio nearby First Solar’s Lake Township, Ohio site. The area is commonly known as the Eastwood Commerce Center South. The site selection is pending approval of state and local incentive packages. Construction will begin in the spring of 2019 and it is expected the plant will be operational in the second half of 2020. The new float glass line is the first in the U.S. for the NSG Group since 1980 and is expected to create 125-150 new jobs.
“Our company has a rich tradition in the glass industry and strong roots in Ohio and we are pleased to expand our U.S. glass manufacturing here,” said Richard Altman, Regional Director Architectural Glass North America.
“NSG Group is one of the world’s most respected float glass manufacturers and has a long history of success in Ohio,” said Glenn Richardson, JobsOhio managing director for advanced manufacturing. “Along with the Regional Growth Partnership, we look forward to working with NSG as they build a new advanced production facility and bring new jobs to Wood County to support the growing solar energy market.”

NSG Group (TSE 5202) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of glass and glazing products for the architectural, automotive industry and technical glass sectors. With around 27,000 employees, NSG Group has principal operations worldwide and sales in over 100 countries. Founded in 1918, the company was transformed in 2006 with the acquisition of Pilkington plc, itself a global leader in the glass industry and the inventor of the Float Glass process. The Pilkington name was retained as a brand for the Group’s architectural and automotive products.

, © NSG Group

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