Glass Industry News

Nipro breaks ground in Aumale (France) for new facility

, Nipro Glass

As announced in 2020, Nipro is investing over 60 million USD in its facilities in France and the US.  

With this investment, Nipro strengthens its position as a leading global supplier of glass primary packaging for the pharmaceutical industry. The investment addresses the global increase in quality and demand, as well as supports Nipro’s growth in its pharmaceutical packaging business. In France, the investment means the construction of a greenfield operation. 

On June 15, the works for the greenfield operation started with an official groundbreaking ceremony by Messrs. Stephan Arnold, Jean-Michel Rat, and Pierre Sinoquet, supported by Mr François Mozzo – Director of Emdelen, Nipro’s construction partner. 

“Congratulations – the future of Nipro begins here and now in Aumale.  On behalf of Nipro Japan, I want to wish the team lots of success on this big journey. We take pride in you stepping up to contribute to Nipro’s responsibility to society and join its mission of improving patient outcomes and healthcare worldwide.” 

Mr. Stephan Arnold, CEO Nipro PharmaPackaging International, commented:

“We have come a long way with this site in Aumale. We are celebrating our 150th anniversary this year and have had a long history with many different partners. When we joined Nipro in 2011, we immediately felt a very strong sense of commitment. This commitment resulted in the biggest investment ever in this plant’s history. Together with my team here, I look forward to a stronger future in France. I want to thank Nipro for its trust in us, and I want to thank the team for their relentless efforts in getting this project started. Together, we are building the future here!” 

Mr. Jean-Michel Rat, General Manager Nipro PharmaPackaging France

“You will notice that we are building a completely new infrastructure. This will be an addition to our current manufacturing facility; it is not a replacement. As said before, our market grows, Nipro grows, and thus our tubing capacity also needs to grow. And it is thanks to you – our colleagues – thanks to your good work and your expertise that we have been able to gain the trust of Nipro to invest here.  We will need more talent to join us, and we will continue to count on you. Remember, “Ici, on construit le futur!” - today IS a big day!” 

Housed in a new building adjacent to the current manufacturing facility, the new automated lines will be producing Nipro’s NSV borosilicate type I glass. Automation combined with the pure composition of Nipro’s glass, supported by state-of-the-art technologies and equipment, enables Nipro to produce improved quality glass tubing for high-end pharmaceutical packaging products. 

Nipro wishes the French and the international team all the very best and looks forward to the official inauguration of the plant as well as firing up the new furnaces. 

, © Nipro Glass

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