Glass Industry News

New management structure at HEGLA Maintenance and Service


Peter Heyer will be leaving the company on 31 August 2022 after 36 years at HEGLA, including 30 as head of after-sales services at HEGLA Maintenance and Service.

“After my long career as head and authorised signatory of HEGLA Maintenance and Service, I would like to say goodbye as I enter retirement and pass the baton on to my successor,” said Peter Heyer. “Thank you to my team and HEGLA for their trust and active support. The support we received meant that we were able to develop such a strong Service division. I wish my successor Thomas Schwabe happiness and success in the position.”

Thomas Schwabe new branch head of HEGLA Maintenance and Service

The new branch head of HEGLA Maintenance and Service is Thomas Schwabe. The 42-year-old engineering graduate brings many years of experience in the fields of technology, marketing & sales and after-sales services with him, and was most recently head of After-Sales & Services in a mechanical engineering company. “Together with his team, Peter Heyer has achieved great things and played a decisive role in shaping the successful direction of HEGLA Maintenance and Service. I am delighted to take over this highly appreciated area of HEGLA and support our customers with the performance and quality they are accustomed to,” said Thomas Schwabe.

“There is no question that Peter Heyer’s well-deserved retirement leaves a big gap both on the business and personal levels. We would like to formally thank him for his energetic and long-standing commitment, and wish him all the best. At the same time, we are looking forward to working with our new colleague Thomas Schwabe, whose experience will help us continue to achieve our corporate and service goals,” explained HEGLA Group Managing Director Bernhard Hötger.

New management positions in Spare Parts Management and Maintenance and Service

In May of this year, HEGLA Maintenance and Service and Spare Parts Management changed their location. Since then, they have been based in Beverungen’s neighbouring town of Lauenförde. The new location provides both teams with new offices and additional space designed to create expanded room for continued success and growth.In addition to new Branch Head Thomas Schwabe, the recent deputy head of HEGLA Maintenance and Service Christoph Benkel has been appointed division manager of Maintenance and Service. The 56-year-old has worked in various areas of HEGLA and HEGLA Maintenance and Service for 22 years and will be responsible for the operational business in future. The connected Spare Parts Management division at HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG also has a new head. 39-year-old industrial manager Christian Potthast took over the division on 1 January 2022 and has managed the team of eight responsible for the worldwide distribution and shipping of HEGLA spare parts ever since. In order to meet the constantly growing demand for spare parts, the team is currently focused on the further optimisation and digitalisation of procedures and processes.


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