Glass Industry News

New Installation in Denver, Colorado

, Filtraglass

From its inception, Filtraglass has strived to offer water filtration systems that enhance the glass industry's operations with a dual objective: reducing environmental impact by reusing water and converting glass dust into recyclable waste, all without needing to stop the machines. This last feature is particularly appealing to glass manufacturers, as the ability to clean the water used during glass processing without halting production saves on maintenance costs and prevents downtime, thereby boosting productivity—a primary goal for any large company.

This is the case with Elevation Glass. This U.S. company, located in Thornton (Denver, Colorado), specializes in architectural glass applications such as custom shower enclosures, stair railings, screens and mirrors, among others, customizing them to meet client needs. Elevation Glass has opened a new, fully automated glass manufacturing plant to better meet market demands, with productivity as one of its main objectives.

Therefore, one of the aspects that has most satisfied Elevation Glass about Filtraglass's water treatment systems for the glass industry is that they recycle water without needing to pause machine activity. Thus, the companies from Thornton (Denver) and Vilamalla (Girona) have started working together with the installation of the DG.365 model and a tank with a capacity of approximately 12,000 liters of water, capable of supplying up to four edgers and one beveler.

This industrial water filtration system collects the water used by the machines in a tank. From there, it moves to the pressure cylinder, which houses the filtration column that separates water from glass dust. Clean water, ready for reuse, is transferred to a new section of the tank, while the dust is trapped in the filter mesh. This entire water recycling process is cyclic and automatic, meaning it requires no personnel and does not need production to stop.

Filtraglass's water treatment systems are designed with the glass industry's needs and the environmental challenges facing our planet in mind. Consequently, more and more glass manufacturers are becoming interested in the Vilamalla-based company's systems and decide to install them in their machinery to benefit from water savings and increased productivity, among other advantages. Additionally, Filtraglass understands that the glass industry consists of companies with diverse requirements. Therefore, it customizes its water filtration systems, as personalization is another highly valued aspect by clients.

, © Filtraglass

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