Glass Industry News

New formulations now available

, Kuraray

Following an extensive and exhaustive development programme, this November saw the launch of our new architectural product line.
This new range will see new B800 variants replace the well-known B700 line of Color, Tints and Black & White; and Trosifol® Multilayer Acoustic B120 is also being replaced by new B220.
The subject of significant testing programmes, the new ranges not only been trialled at various customers – with very positive reviews – but they have also been tested by notified bodies and have demonstrated results that are the same or better than the variants they replace. All key Products are CEKAL registered and registration for the Translucent White B800 is expected by end of November.
Handling and processing are identical to that of the B700 and B120 products and trim handling remains unchanged. Indeed, customer feedback indicates that processing performance – like the certified testing – is at least as good, if not better than the previous range.
If you are currently involved in projects using the B700 or B120 variants and wish to switch to the new B800 or B220 ranges, please contact your account manager.


All systems go for SentryGlas® Xtra™ (SGX™)

We’re delighted to announce that after four years’ hard work, we now have DIBT Approval for SentryGlas® Xtra™ – for both Laminated Safety Glass and for Laminated Safety Glass with structural coupling approach.
Many laminators have been waiting for this approval, and those that have trialled it have already given us incredibly positive feedback!
Both approval certificates are now available from our website.


Face to face with industry leaders


The recent 83rd Edition ZAK conference, held November the 4th was well attended and proved to be highly informative for all those at the Radisson Blu hotel in Frankfurt.
The event, which showcased sustainable innovations and challenges in the construction industry pertaining to the building envelope, also displayed the latest technological solutions from leading solution providers, including Kuraray.
Even with state-defined restrictions on numbers, 150 representatives from some of the world’s leading ADECS were in attendance, and our own Jochen Regenauer took part in the conference, presenting information about security and acoustic design with safety glass interlayers.
According to Jochen: “It was great to see people face to face again. There was a perfect mix of attendees, and we were able to forge some great new contacts. Plenty of information was exchanged, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to get into the detail of some of the projects we discussed with visitors to our booth.”


, © Kuraray

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Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

Weitere Datenbanken mit demoskopischen Daten und Import- und Exportdaten komplettieren die Marktinformationen. Basierend auf allen Datenbanken können Sie eigenständig Länderprofile mit Angaben zur gesamten lokalen Produktionskapazität, zur lokalen Marktgröße und die zu erwartende Marktgröße in der Zukunft erstellen.

Gerne erwarten wir daher Ihre Anfrage auf

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Updated float glass study 2025


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