Glass Industry News

New Cristalerías Toro plant will use 100% renewable energy from Statkraft

, Cristalerias Toro / Statkraft

New Cristalerías Toro plant will use 100% renewable energy from Statkraft .

Both companies recently signed a long-term clean electricity supply contract, which will allow to give life to the modern industrial plant for the manufacture of glass with high standards of technology and care for the environment. A totally renewable and emission-free electricity supply will have the new plant that Cristalerías Toro has under construction in the commune of Maipú, after the Chilean company and the firm specialized in clean energy Statkraft, will sign a supply agreement for 43.8 GWh per year. The contract will start operating at the end of 2020, when the modern plant comes into operation.

The agreement will have the I-REC certification, which will allow Cristalería Toro to accredit the match of the energy consumed in a certain time, with the energy effectively injected into the National Electric System (SEN), from renewable sources.  “We are providing clean energy to companies like Cristalerías Toro with a clear sustainable approach, since in addition to using a supply without emissions, they are implementing technology to take care of the environment.  Our energy has an added value for customers, through the certification that allows to prove the origin of renewable sources”, highlights María Teresa González, general manager of Statkraft Chile.  

For his part, the general manager of Cristalerías Toro, Francisco Ruiz, highlights: “for Cristalerías Toro this project has meant putting itself at the forefront of technology for the manufacture of glass containers and is part of our policy of producing high quality products  in an environmentally friendly way.  That is why the high percentage of recycled glass used in the manufacture of the containers and this agreement with Statkraft, allows us to offer all our customers a much more sustainable container ”.

The company is in the last phase of construction of its new industrial plant for the manufacture of glass containers in the commune of Maipú.  This new and modern plant is one of the most important projects of the company in the last ten years, with a significant investment to achieve the highest standards of quality, technology, productivity and care for the environment in the glass industry.  In addition to the new plant, the supply with Statkraft will include the existing glass recycling plant, the warehouses and the sales room, located next to the new facilities and which are part of the same land.  

Cristalerías Toro is a Chilean family business with more than 60 years of experience in the production and commercialization of glass containers.  The firm, which currently supplies national and foreign clients, supplies different segments of the food industry such as wines, sparkling wines, spirits, beers, soft drinks, waters, juices, oils, among others.  Statkraft is the first renewable energy generator in Europe with more than 19,000 MW of installed power and has a history of 125 years, which places it as a global player in energy market operations.  The firm, owned by the Norwegian State, has declared the challenge of curbing climate change urgent and, for this, renewable energies are the solution to this problem.  The company in Chile has completed six years of life and is working on the construction of a hydroelectric project in the area of ​​52 MW of installed power, and on a wind project of more than 100 MW of power in the central area.


, © Cristalerias Toro / Statkraft

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