Glass Industry News

MSK at China Glass: Cold End from a single source – smart and networked


With more than 40 years of experience, MSK has amassed a wealth of experience, making it one of the leading equipment suppliers between lehrs and warehouse – from a single source. Tailored to your individual requirements, MSK packaging systems offer numerous advantages. MSK specialists from China and Germany will advise you at China Glass on subjects relating to packaging systems or even to the entire Cold End.

We are looking forward to meeting you in May at China Glass 2019 in Beijing. You will find us in hall E1, booth 195, in the German Pavilion.

MSK China was established in 1999, in Qingdao city and consists of a professional team for sales, technical support and service, providing German quality and first-class engineering services. In addition to the delivery of machines, our excellent after sales service in the customer’s native language has also contributed to our excellent reputation among Chinese customers.

MSK delivers a variety of fully automatic complete systems for the entire Cold End: bottle conveyors, palletizing and robot systems, shrink wrapping machines, pallet conveying, visualization and control software and numerous additional modules – all from a single source.

MSK shrink wrapping machines and applicators offer pallet packaging solutions that look to the future. As expert in the field of load securing, MSK offers the possibility to wrap products with the latest packaging technology with the best possible load stability to reduce transport damages.

MSK palletizers deliver suitable solutions for automatic palletizing of different glass container forms (container glass) at any required machine performance.
In combination with fully automatic palletizing and packaging systems, MSK pallet conveyor systems work fully automatically safely and reliably in an integrated transport and material flow system. MSK provides the complete intra-logistics at the Cold End, including bottle conveyor systems, from the lehrs to the palletizing system.

All modules are optimally coordinated with each other and can be controlled simply and in coordination with each other using the visualization software MSK EMSY 6.0. The advantages for our customers: numerous component interfaces, which are usually a potential source of error are eliminated, the plant efficiency increases.

The MSK Covertech Group has been a partner of the industry for film packaging systems, machines, pallet handling and conveyor systems, as well as the corresponding control software for more than 40 years. The German company offers development, production and service from a single source based on customer-specific requirements. With over 500 employees and locations in China, France, Germany, Hungary and the USA, MSK is one of the internationally leading suppliers for pallet packaging systems.

, © MSK

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