Glass Industry News

More robust VPFlowScope 3-in-1 flow meters

, VPInstruments

We are pleased to announce that the VPFlowScope electronics platform has been upgraded providing more robust protection against static discharges and short-circuiting. We implemented a new, ultra-robust Modbus transceiver circuit, which can hold up to ±60V on A and B lines. It can also allow a larger common mode range of ±24 Volts, which makes biasing of your RS485 network less critical. This transceiver was already in use in the VPFlowScope M and has now been integrated into the complete VPFlowScope product line, including the VPFlowScope Probe, DP, and In-line.


  • Protection from overvoltage line faults up to ±60V
  • ±15kV ESD interface pins
  • Extended common mode range: ±24V
  • Guaranteed failsafe receiver operation

In many industrial devices, for example, compressor controllers and sensors, RS485 transceivers are easily blown by static discharges, especially when connecting wires for the first time without any protection. Therefore, static protection is very important. We also experienced that one of the most common wiring errors is to reverse data and power lines. Connecting the 24V power supply across the data lines of any traditional RS485 port will result in the transceiver chip going up in smoke, which means the end of your VPFlowScope.

All your VPFlowScope products are now protected with the new integrated overvoltage protection. The new transceiver will protect your VPFlowScope against incorrect connection to the 24V power commonly found in building automation installations, and the data lines will withstand connection to 24V power indefinitely. The protection is rated for a maximum of ±60V.

At VPInstruments, we continuously strive to improve the quality of our products, to make them more reliable, and easier to use over time. That’s also a way to provide easy insight into energy flows.

About VPInstruments
VPInstruments offers industrial customers easy insight into energy flows. We believe that industrial energy monitoring should be easy and effortless, to enable insight, savings, and optimization. VPInstruments’ flow meters are calibrated on a state-of-the-art calibration facility. Our calibration equipment is maintained under our ISO 9001 Quality Management System and is traceable to National Standards.

VPInstruments products are recommended by leading energy professionals worldwide and offer the most complete measurement solution for compressed air flow, gas flow and electric energy consumption. Our monitoring software VPVision can be used for all utilities and enables you to see where, when and how much you can save. Our products can be found all over the world. We serve all industrial markets, for example; automotive, glass manufacturing, metal processing, food and beverage, and consumer goods. We can also help your industry. Let us open your eyes and start saving energy.

, © VPInstruments

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