Glass Industry News



On November 3, 2023, the new Engineering Center was opened at the LiSEC site in Seitenstetten. Around 140 additional workplaces can be found on an area of 2000 m2 and four floors. The new building was celebrated in style together with all employees, guests from politics, the Foundation's Executive Board and Supervisory Board as well as construction partners.


Construction work began in April 2022, with numerous regional partners contributing to the project. "An expansion of the office workplaces in Seitenstetten was absolutely necessary following the merging of the Hausmening and Seitenstetten sites," says LiSEC CFO Oliver Pichler. A total of more than EUR 7 million was invested in the construction project. Trends in the world of work, such as collaboration spaces or shared desks, were incorporated into the design. Project Manager and Head of Industrial Engineering/Facility Management, Friedrich Schrenk, is delighted: "We have successfully implemented the Engineering Center despite a rapid start to construction and many ongoing changes. We are proud of the result and are excited about the growth at the Seitenstetten site. We are optimistic about the future."


The office building with integrated laboratory area offers a new working environment with different room concepts. Employees can choose between quiet and communicative areas, depending on their needs. Stand-up areas and a "LiSPoint" invite employees to share ideas and act as communication hubs. Tasks can be worked on routinely at the work desks at height-adjustable tables. Focus boxes create space for solving complex tasks in seclusion. Chat boxes, meeting rooms, maker spaces and kitchens complete the room concept. "We want to offer our employees a modern, future-oriented and attractive working environment. We are only successful thanks to our employees. That's why we need to focus on a suitable working environment. That's what we've done with the construction of the new Engineering Center," says Oliver Pichler. CEO Gottfried Brunbauer adds: "Seitenstetten has been the main location of the LiSEC Group for many years and will remain so in the future. We will therefore continue to invest in the site. Over the next few years, further modernization steps will follow, both in the office infrastructure and in production."


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