Glass Industry News



LiSEC, the partner for the processing of flat glass, is delighted to announce outstanding success at this year's glasstec trade fair. With the innovative trade fair concept "360° of glass processing", LiSEC once again demonstrated that it offers technologically integrated solutions in the machine and software sector that customers around the world can rely on.

"360° of glass processing" stands for an all-round perspective that LiSEC pursues through technological innovations and patented solutions. 11 testimonial customers who have already successfully implemented LiSEC solutions were presented at glasstec, representing a large number of satisfied customers from all over the world, and are living proof of the efficiency and reliability of LiSEC solutions.

Trade fair highlight: The world's fastest laminated glass cutting system
At the trade fair, LiSEC proudly presented the fastest and most highly automated laminated glass cutting process currently available – thanks to the VSL-A double bridge. The system offers an optimised cutting process due to the patented "Selective Infra Red" (SIR) foil heating system, in combination with the unique intelligent dynamic utilisation of the two cutting bridges, "Dynamic Load Balancing" (DLB). In addition to optimised float glass cutting (DSC-A), the system also demonstrated an innovative edge deletion option. Following the glass cutting process, the glass lites sheets were turned in the correct position and laser-marked with the new laser marking station (C-Mark) from cericom, a member of the LiSEC Group. The finished cut sheets are subsequently unloaded fully automatically by a robot. The production and performance data were demonstrated in real time using the new software product.

Trade fair highlight: Autonomous high-speed processing line
In the processing segment, for the first time at the trade fair LiSEC presented the future-proof combiFIN production system from Schraml (also a member of the LiSEC Group), consisting of GLX, M-RX with waterjet head and topCLEAR grinding machine, in combination with the new SSP storage and sorting buffer for unmanned operation.

Trade fair highlight: The new generation of software
In the software area, the aim was to show customers how a large part of the company processes can be mapped in LiSEC software solutions and where the advantages lie in procuring everything from a single source. During fascinating presentations in the LiSTEN LiSEC LiVE auditorium, the audience got to see how the transition to the next generation of LiSEC software products will take place and which products are already available. LiSEC's approach was consistently in the foreground, while the essential connections between the machines, service and software were clearly apparent.

A great deal of interest was also shown in the workshops offered by LiSEC, which took place live at the trade fair stand on all days of the fair. At the "Powerful Edge Deletion of EASYPRO® on the DSC-A cutting table" workshop, participants were able to see the quality of the laminated glass cutting on display for themselves. In the practical machine workshop – "The scientific side of glass cutting", an experienced LiSEC trainer provided valuable insights into the most important factors influencing glass cutting. Participants took away a deeper understanding of how these factors help to reduce waste at all stages of the process and increase the service life of the end product. 

Over 5000 visitors were welcomed to the exclusive stand with its feel-good factor over the four days of the trade fair. "Signing Ceremonies" with customers were held with particular pride and were celebrated in the impressive ambience of the LiSTEN LiSEC LiVE auditorium; the deal with Al Manna – a Qatar-based conglomerate that operates over 55 companies in 8 countries – was one of the agreements marked in this way. The partnership will enable LiSEC to further expand its market presence in Qatar and beyond.

Another highlight was the exclusive customer event at Bar & Club Mahiki in Düsseldorf's historic city centre, where countless visitors celebrated long into the night.

LiSEC would like to thank all visitors and partners for their keen interest. We are looking forward to working together in the future, in order to continue offering innovative and reliable solutions for flat glass processing.

, © LiSEC

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Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

Weitere Datenbanken mit demoskopischen Daten und Import- und Exportdaten komplettieren die Marktinformationen. Basierend auf allen Datenbanken können Sie eigenständig Länderprofile mit Angaben zur gesamten lokalen Produktionskapazität, zur lokalen Marktgröße und die zu erwartende Marktgröße in der Zukunft erstellen.

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