Glass Industry News

Leading pharma packaging companies commit to supply for Covid-19 fight

, Gerresheimer AG

Stevanato Group, SCHOTT, and Gerresheimer confirm the readiness to support future Covid-19 Vaccine with pharmaceutical containers

The CEOs of Gerresheimer, Stevanato Group, and SCHOTT are committed to ensuring ample supply of pharmaceutical containers for any Covid-19 vaccine and treatment that is developed, and that no patient shall be left behind, no matter what region of the world they live in.

Also, the companies will make every effort to support the pharma industry’s’ priorities for overall medication supply in addition to Covid-19 drugs. Each of the three companies manufactures billions of type-1 borosilicate glass vials, the most proven and most widely available material used to store and deliver vaccines around the world. They are making the statement to provide confidence in the global pharmaceutical supply chain in times of uncertainty.

“We stand ready to support the pharmaceutical companies in the fight against the pandemic,” said Dr. Frank Heinricht, Chairman of SCHOTT’s Management Board. “We will do our utmost to provide the required containers in the best quality. The fact that 50 billion borosilicate glass containers are already deployed each year for a wide variety of vaccines and treatments, and that we have made significant investments to expand capacity makes us optimistic this can be achieved.”

“Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, we implemented all safety measures to protect our employees and deployed all available assets to secure our supplies to pharma companies,” said Franco Stevanato, CEO of the Stevanato Group. “To support the mass vaccination campaign and the ramp-up industrialization needs, we invested in increasing the manufacturing capacity of vials from borosilicate glass. Conscious of the role we play, we are committed to ensuring all patients around the world have access to the vaccines and treatments.”

“Facing the very challenging situation of a global pandemic we will do everything to support any upcoming Covid-19 vaccine campaigns in close cooperation with our customers. In 2019 and 2020 we are investing more than ever to deliver the highest quality products with additional capacity. We are fully prepared to support the global market demand for potential Covid-19 vaccines with our vials and syringes being produced in our large production facilities in the US, Mexico, Europe and Asia,“ said Dietmar Siemssen, CEO Gerresheimer AG.

, © Gerresheimer AG

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