Glass Industry News

Kentucky Glass Recycling Gets a Green Boost: Ale-8-One and O-I Lead the Charge

, O-I

The Red River Gorge, a region of breathtaking beauty that attracts climbers, hikers, and nature lovers from across the country, lies in the heart of Kentucky. Yet, despite its vibrant outdoor community, the Gorge faces a challenge shared by much of the state: a lack of glass recycling infrastructure. 

Ale-8-One, Kentucky’s iconic soft drink brand, and O-I Glass, one the world’s largest manufacturers of glass containers, saw an opportunity to make a difference. Together, they launched an innovative pilot program to bring glass recycling to communities near the Gorge, starting with Miguel’s Pizza, a beloved eatery in Slade, Kentucky. 

“This initiative is about more than recycling,” says Ellen McGeeney, CEO of Ale-8-One. “It’s about protecting the Red River Gorge and creating a model to inspire other communities to prioritize sustainability.”  

A Vision for the Red River Gorge Region

Ale-8-One and O-I partnered to create an accessible and impactful glass recycling program tailored to the Red River Gorge area. Known for its rugged beauty, the Gorge draws thousands of visitors yearly, but glass often ends up in landfills without proper recycling infrastructure. 

Glass packaging is endlessly recyclable and one of the most sustainable packaging materials. It’s made from natural ingredients —  sand, soda ash, limestone, and recycled glass – and it’s endlessly recyclable without sacrificing quality. It’s important to keep it in the manufacturing stream. 

Recognizing this challenge, the team designed a pilot program to address the need while raising awareness about recycling’s role in protecting the environment. Miguel’s Pizza, a local institution cherished by climbers and nature lovers, became the program’s starting point. Its convenient location near the Gorge offered an ideal hub for community participation. 

How the Glass Recycling Program Works

At its core, the pilot program simplifies glass recycling for businesses and consumers by setting up community glass collection and closed-loop glass recycling.  

O-I supplied Ale-8-One with two 20-yard recycling containers. One is at Miguel’s Pizza, providing an easy way for the restaurant and its customers to recycle glass. 

Ale-8-One will collect and deliver the glass to O-I facilities, where the bottles are processed and turned into new glass containers. 

“This collaboration with O-I and Miguel’s Pizza demonstrates how businesses can work together to meet demand for sustainable solutions and inspire lasting change,” says Kevin Price, CMO of Ale-8-One. 

This local effort complements O-I’s broader sustainability mission, exemplified by its groundbreaking glass manufacturing facility in Bowling Green, Kentucky. 

The Ripple Effect of Glass Recycling Innovation

The pilot program in Slade represents the first step in a larger movement. Ale-8-One and O-I plan to expand glass recycling to other Kentucky locations, inviting more businesses and communities to join the effort. 

By fostering a recycling culture and investing in sustainable manufacturing, Ale-8-One and O-I demonstrate how collaboration can drive meaningful change. For Kentuckians, especially those connected to the Red River Gorge, this initiative offers a tangible way to protect the environment and preserve a cherished natural treasure. 

Ale-8-One, Miguel’s Pizza, and O-I invite businesses, consumers, and communities to join the glass recycling movement. Every bottle recycled helps support sustainability, strengthen the circular economy, and create a greener future for Kentucky. 

, © O-I

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