Glass Industry News



Kanthal, a global leader in industrial electric heating technology, and Rath Group, renowned for its high-temperature insulation and refractory products and solutions, entered a strategic partnership earlier this year. Together, they aim to reshape the industrial heating landscape and drive sustainable solutions for industries like steel and petrochemicals.  Furthermore, this collaboration puts the companies in a distinctive position, as they are the only global players that offer a combined range of heating elements and high-temperature insulation materials.

Maria Lorenzson, the Director of Business Strategy and Marketing for Kanthal, and Alexander Jüttner, Head of Sales, Ceramics & Special Furnaces at Rath Group, share insights into the partnership. They discuss the advantages for customers, strategy, challenges, and much more.


Lorenzson begins by emphasizing Kanthal's dedication to sustainability - envisioning a future where sustainable energy and heating solutions become the standard. She explains that this partnership is entirely customer-driven - focused on meeting their needs and priorities.

"For Kanthal, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do; it's a top priority.” She elaborates that customers are increasingly interested in electrifying their processes and reducing their dependence on fossil fuels.

This shift reflects the technological advancements that Kanthal and Rath will make, indicating the high demand for eco-friendly solutions.

Jüttner echoes this commitment to sustainability, highlighting Rath Group's mission to provide premium-quality refractory products for eco-friendly high-temperature processes.

"As a company with 130+ years of heritage, Rath has always stood for sustainability. Our products are built to last, and our actions contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of our customers' processes and plants. Rath products and solutions help our customers to produce more efficiently and ecologically. We always keep sustainability in mind when designing products and solutions; therefore, we attach high importance to research and development. In the first place, our products and manufacturing processes are as sustainable as possible."


"Collaborating with Rath allows Kanthal to offer unique solutions and generate more potential. Kanthal aims to leverage this combined expertise to offer unique solutions tailored to this transition,” Lorenzson explains.

"This partnership combining two premium brands is a game-changer; it is set to revolutionize the industry. Joint product development, sales, and marketing efforts are in place to further drive this transformation,” she adds.

"By working with Kanthal, Rath Group can offer a unique combination of electric heating and refractory lining tailored to each customer's application, providing a competitive edge,” Jüttner points out.

"For most fossil-fired furnaces today, there are hardly any ideas and concepts for electric heating and how it can be integrated and combined with refractory lining. This gap is now closed by the partnership of Rath and Kanthal and their unique solution."


As the clock is ticking to make steel production sustainable, Kanthal and Rath have plans in place to enable this transition.

Looking ahead, Lorenzson outlines a clear long-term goal for Kanthal - to enable the steel and petrochemical industries to transition to fossil fuel-free production processes. This goal is achieved by developing joint products that combine both companies' expertise, which results in a comprehensive portfolio that caters to various customer needs.

"As the clock is ticking to make steel production sustainable, Kanthal and Rath have plans in place to expand their portfolios, fill the gaps, and jointly develop new products to enable this transition."

Jüttner aligns with this vision and highlights, "The cooperation of Kanthal and Rath generates a unique and valuable offer for energy-intensive industries and, therefore, the best technology currently available on the market." 


According to Lorenzson, regulatory obligations to reduce carbon emissions accentuate the industry's mounting pressure to innovate. "The pressure to innovate has never been greater, particularly in industries like steel and petrochemicals. Regulatory mandates and the urgency to reduce carbon emissions necessitate the rapid development and implementation of new technologies." 

Kanthal is aware that the clean electricity supply and changing infrastructure pose significant challenges that require collaborative action - building partnerships and ecosystems. 

"Our experts worldwide are assessing customer needs, analyzing market trends, and devising the most efficient and best-suited solutions to aid customers in this transition," Lorenzson adds. 

“The industry is facing significant pressure to innovate, particularly with the EU's goal of climate neutrality and rising CO2 prices. The industry needs to channel investment into insulation and electric heating technologies to maintain a competitive edge and adhere to climate goals,” Jüttner stresses. 

However, despite the challenges, both Lorenzson and Jüttner concur that the cooperation between Kanthal and Rath Group begins at the right time, providing the best solution possible to reach our CO2 emission goals.


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