Glass Industry News

ISRA CEO Enis Ersü finds future-oriented succession solution in strategic partner Atlas Copco


The future of ISRA VISION AG has been settled. CEO Enis Ersü has found a strategic industrial partner in Atlas Copco. The Darmstadt-based SDAX company in the field of industrial image processing (Machine Vision), one of the world’s leading providers of surface inspection of web materials and for 3D Machine Vision applications, has now reached a long-term and future-oriented succession agreement that will enable the company to continue to pursue its growth strategy and its innovation roadmap. The plans for the new ISRA headquarters in Darmstadt will be continued as planned.


Over the past 35 years, ISRA founder Enis Ersü has built up a technology group that now employs around 900 people at 25 sites around the world. The company was founded as a spin-off of the Technical University of Darmstadt and has grown dynamically in recent years to become a global player. 


Enis Ersü will be 67 years old this year and has been looking for a long-term plan that will allow ISRA to enter the next dimension of its growth. There was no successor from the family and other possible solutions were not convincing either. A strategic partnership provides the framework for ISRA to continue to realize its visions for the future, to exploit market potential, to continue the continuity of its business and to pursue its growth strategy. With a strategic industrial partner, ISRA can further develop the main focuses that the company has successfully set for its markets.


The criteria for a partner were that the partner understands the dynamics of ISRA VISION and that all of its global sites can continue on the path they have started on, continue their networking and their innovation roadmap. In addition, ISRA was looking for a partner that has already proven itself in cooperating with other companies.


Independent in a new Machine Vision division

Ersü is convinced that he has found a strategic industrial partner in the Atlas Copco Group with whom ISRA can continue to pursue its growth path in the fields of Surface Vision and 3D Machine Vision, further fill its innovation pipeline and continuously strengthen and expand its team. Atlas Copco is a global Swedish group with approximately 37,000 employees, customers in more than 180 countries and EUR 9 billion in annual turnover. With its global presence, the globally active technology group shares ISRA VISION’s future and innovation-oriented view and its strategy of diversification across various markets.


Atlas Copco has identified Machine Vision as a key technology and now intends to develop a new Machine Vision division with ISRA VISION as its nucleus. Enis Ersü: “Our two segments Surface Vision and Industrial Automation as well as our global presence offer enormous potential for growth and synergies with Atlas Copco’s business activities.” 


ISRA will operate and continue to develop from Darmstadt as an independent pillar in the Atlas Copco structure. Ersü will accompany the integration process over a longer period to ensure a smooth transition. The plans for the new building for the company headquarters in Darmstadt, which is designed to accommodate growth and an increase in the number of employees, are also being continued. The ISRA team plans to move into the new building in 2021. 



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