Glass Industry News

ISO 45001: Global occupational safety and health are important to Gerresheimer

, Gerresheimer Glas

The Gerresheimer Group has declared DIN EN ISO 45001 to be the mandatory global standard for all its plants. It replaces the previously applicable standard OHSAS 18001 in the field of occupational health and safety.

"For Gerresheimer, healthy and motivated employees are the key to sustained economic success. We want all employees worldwide to go home exactly as healthy and unharmed as they came to work," says Katja Schnitzler, who as Group Senior Director EHS CSR OPEX is responsible for managing global implementation.

Even more safety in the workplace
ISO 45001 will become the international standard in occupational safety and health protection for the entire Gerresheimer Group. At the same time, the company wants to show that it is living up to its social responsibility by achieving internationally recognized ISO 45001 certification. Gerresheimer makes every effort to demonstrably reduce the risk of injuries, accidents and work-related illnesses among its employees and is constantly improving occupational safety and health protection using suitable methods and instruments as part of its management system. ISO 45001 was published in March 2018 and will replace the previously most widely used standard BS OHSAS 18001. Gerresheimer employs employees at each location who are responsible for occupational safety and health.

Gerresheimer on the way to ISO 45001
The first Gerresheimer plants in Europe and Asia are currently certified. At most plants the measures for the forthcoming certification have been successfully launched or are nearing completion. The following plants have already received their certificate.

China: The Chinese plants of the Shuangfeng Group, i.e. Danyang I and II and Zhenjiang, which have been successfully producing glass containers for the pharmaceutical industry in China for decades, have been certified to ISO 45001 since 2018.

Denmark: Only recently the Gerresheimer plants in Vaerloese and Haarby have successfully completed their certification. At these plants primary packaging made of plastic of the well-known brands Duma and Dudek is produced.

India: In India, the plants in Kundli, which produces plastic containers, and the plant in Kosamba, where vials and ampoules made of tubular glass are produced, have currently received certification. The plant for the production of container glass in Kosamba is currently preparing for certification.

Germany: The German Medical Systems plants in Pfreimd, Wackersdorf, Regensburg and Bünde, as well as in Horsovsky Tyn in the Czech Republic, are already working with an Integrated Management System that has already certified the areas of environmental protection and energy management and also covers occupational health and safety standards. Fire protection also meets the legal requirements and applies in all MDS plants. The next important step is the implementation of the new ISO 45001 standard based on the Integrated Management System.

About Gerresheimer
Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industry. With special products made of glass and plastic the company contributes to health and well-being. Gerresheimer is represented worldwide and with around 10,000 employees produces where its customers and markets are. With plants in Europe, America and Asia Gerresheimer generates sales of around €1.4 billion. The wide range of products includes pharmaceutical packaging and products for simple and safe drug administration: Insulin pens, inhalers, micropumps, prefillable syringes, injection vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid medications with closure and safety systems, as well as packaging for the cosmetics industry.

, © Gerresheimer Glas

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