Glass Industry News

#IndeglasCleverOwl Award to highlight individual contribution in UK construction industry

, Indeglas

Indeglas is set to recognise its colleagues in the UK’s design and construction industry with the launch of the #IndeglasCleverOwl Award.
The monthly award will be made to individuals including those involved in procurement, supply chain, design, engineering or specialist trade installers in recognition of their unique and outstanding contribution to the industry. Jeanette MacIntyre, Managing Director of Indeglas, said: “The #IndeglasCleverOwl is aimed at recognising and celebrating the individual contributions made to the entire process by which our built environment is procured, designed, constructed and maintained.  “Such a diverse range of talented individuals contribute to projects and whilst the success of projects is well communicated the unique, personal contributions are less visible and yet these stories are positive, innovative, motivational and more importantly relational to those considering a career in construction. “We chose a ‘fingerprint art’ design for our award to symbolise the uniqueness of each individual, whose ideas or contribution have caught our attention.
“Each month we will recognise a #IndeglasCleverOwl, who will be profiled in an online post to be shared on the Indeglas website and other social media sites. The post will provide a brief description of the winner’s career and the achievement which led to their winning the #IndeglasCleverOwl Award. At an annual dinner an outstanding achievement award will be made with a#IndeglasCleverOwl trophy…which happens to be made of glass.”
The inaugural winner of the #IndeglasCleverOwl Award is Eilidh Henderson, an architect at Page Park, the employee-owned architectural practice with offices in Glasgow and Leeds.
Eilidh has been awarded the initial #IndeglasCleverOwl for January 2019 in recognition of her work on the restoration of St Cecilia’s Hall at the University of Edinburgh’s music museum. The award recognises Eilidh’s attention to detail and collaborative approach with interior finishing specialists and suppliers which resulted in architectural detailing as beautiful as the musical instruments the building showcases. Eilidh has also won a Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland (RIAS) award for Emerging Architect of the Year. The St Cecilia’s Hall project was awarded a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) award in its Conservation category and short listed for the FX International Interior Design Awards.
Derek Johnston, Operations Director at Cumbernauld-based Indeglas, said: “Our industry is populated by extraordinarily hard working, creative people who are adept at effecting change, adding value or simply finding better solutions. There are many high achievers and skilled problem solvers and their contributions deserve recognition.
“The #IndeglasCleverOwl Award is about having a bit of fun while also doing our bit to make sure that the all-too-often unsung heroes within our industry get the recognition they deserve and who knows their stories might just inspire others to get involved.”

, © Indeglas

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