Glass Industry News

Indeglas Wins Vote of Confidence for its Commitment to Disabled Employment

, Indeglas

Specialist construction contractor Indeglas has been recognised by the government’s Disability Confident scheme for its commitment to the recruitment and retention of disabled staff.
The Level 1 accreditation has been granted as the Scottish-based firm undertakes to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an inclusive employer. Designed as “a journey”, the scheme culminates in Level 3 accreditation for “Disability Confident Leaders”.
To receive Level 1 accreditation, companies must commit to ensuring that recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible, while also actively communicating and promoting vacancies. They must also agree to offer interviews to disabled people, and to provide any reasonable adjustments as required.
In addition, Level 1 members must affirm support for any existing employees who acquire a disability or long-term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.
Jeanette MacIntyre, managing director of Indeglas, said the aims of the scheme are very much in keeping with the ethos of the Cumbernauld-based company.
“As an expanding operation we can’t afford to rule out valuable potential team members on the basis of false assumptions, nor through any oversights or failures in our recruitment process,” she said. “We have to draw from the widest possible pool of talent.
“Much of what we do as a business is focused on creating an environment where people can work to their highest capability. Everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their maximum potential, so in that sense this is a natural step for us.”
Indeglas is a specialist contractor and sole distributor in the UK and Ireland for the products of award-winning glass screen manufacturer DEKO of Denmark.  Established 19 years ago, Indeglas promotes connectivity with natural daylight and designs project-specific internal glass solutions which enables daylight to reach the heart of  buildings, bringing with it associated physical and mental health benefits.
More than 13,000 organisations have joined the Disability Confident scheme since it was launched by the UK Government in 2013. It provides free information, support and guidance to employers such as regular newsletters, online forums and top tips guides.
According to government figures, there are 7.6 million people of working age in the UK that have a disability. More than eight out of 10 – 83% – will acquire a disability while already in employment.

, © Indeglas

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