Glass Industry News

HFT contracts to construct North America’s first rolled glass manufacturing facility for photovoltaic solar panels


In a major development for the global glass and solar industry, and hot on the heels of recent announcements, Calgary-based Canadian Premium Sand (CPS) has contracted McMurray, PA-based HFT as the EPC contractor to conduct pre-construction design and engineering for North America’s first-ever integrated glass manufacturing facility to produce glass for photovoltaic solar panels. The plant is to be built on a 121-acre greenfield site in Selkirk, Manitoba.

HFT will also design the related, sand-processing facility roughly 160 kms north, near Seymourville, Manitoba. The sand facility will process the low iron silica sand to support the production of low-iron premium clarity glass at the Selkirk site.

Under the agreement with CPS, HFT will serve as the engineering, procurement, and construction contractor, delivering all aspects of the Selkirk and Seymourville projects, beginning with design and pre-construction activities. Following final investment decision expected in Q1 2023, HFT will continue with equipment and material sourcing, though the construction execution of onsite works, including not only the process line, but also the full complement of site development, buildings, utilities, infrastructure, and roadways, concluding with commissioning, start up, and training. This will be a true turnkey package that will deliver CPS with a fully integrated operational facility.

Within the Selkirk plant, HFT will be responsible for all aspects of the glass process line, and will work with experienced global partners – including PCL, Zippe, Fives, and Bottero – to deliver everything from raw material reception, batch plant, furnace, rolling machines, lehrs, and cutting line, as well as the post-manufacturing fabrication of glass (grinding, drilling, heat strengthening/tempering, and coating).

“HFT is delighted to be entrusted by CPS to provide a first-of-its-kind project in North America,” says Sam Leaper, HFT’s Director of Glass Business Development. “HFT’s experience, as well as that of our global partners, for concise planning, commitment to engineering excellence, and diligent coordinated project execution, will deliver a high-quality manufacturing facility with the long-term reliability, sustainability and efficiency that CPS requires. Pre-construction activities have already begun to meet CPS’s production timeline and operational goals.”

, © HFT

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