Glass Industry News

HEGLA strengthens service and sales network for Eastern Europe


For maximum proximity to customers and to continue to meet the requirements of the rapidly growing eastern European market in future, the HEGLA Group will open a subsidiary in Poland on 1 October 2021.

The sales and technology team at the new location will provide direct support for all projects, enquiries and service cases in the region and offer fast local assistance when spare parts are required. “The subsidiary is a further hub in our HEGLA network. We are establishing it to position ourselves as a reliable partner for further growth,” said Jochen H. Hesselbach, CEO of the HEGLA Group.

Added value with an expanded, local service team
The expanded team in Wrocław supplements the HEGLA Group’s global sales & service locations. The Group is also setting up a software centre in the subsidiary that will provide customers with programming services for both HEGLA and HEGLA-HANIC.

“In Michał Siergiejewicz, we are pleased to have found a managing director who has many years of experience in the glass industry and an outstanding network that stretches well beyond Poland,” emphasised HEGLA GROUP COO Bernhard Hötger. “Along with his co-managing director, Thomas Wellendorf, we are extremely well positioned for the region in future.”

Team with many years of industry experience
Michał Siergiejewicz (38) has been a recognised dialogue partner in all areas of the glass industry since 2011 and is considered a professional consultant. Thomas Wellendorf (51) has worked at the HEGLA Group since 2003. As head of sales for northern and eastern Europe and Russia/CIS, he has worked closely with our customers for many years. “Thomas Wellendorf is one of the colleagues at HEGLA who both experienced the transformation of glass processing operations and left a mark on it with networked and automated line solutions,” added Hötger.

In future, the new subsidiary will also bring HEGLA-HANIC, HEGLA boraident and HEGLA-TaiFin even closer to customers. The technology and software team will strengthen the HEGLA subsidiaries’ global presence and service network.

The HEGLA Group headquartered in Beverungen, Germany has locations worldwide. It provides system solutions for the storage, cutting, processing, and sorting of flat, automotive, and functional glass. Flat glass manufacturers and processors are among the Group’s global customers who specialise in the processing of coatings and architectural, automotive, and functional glass. With its subsidiaries HEGLA boraident, HEGLA-HANIC and HEGLA-TaiFin, the Group also offers solutions for digitalisation, glass finishing via laser, and tempering and bending architectural and automotive glass from a single source. Most recently, the Group expanded with locations in the MENA region and Singapore.


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