Glass Industry News

4.5-million-euro investment into new logistics centre

, Hegla

With a symbolic ground-breaking ceremony, the starting signal was given for a major investment at Hegla. The company is building a new logistics centre at its site in Beverungen, which will combine the individual warehouses on 3000m².

The new logistics centre will have a further effect: the space freed up by the previous warehouses will create additional capacity for production. The functional building is equipped with the latest technology. Various warehouse lift systems, mobile and high-bay warehouses as well as modern warehouse management software will make the processes more efficient and facilitate the workflows.

Delivery and provision of goods in one place

The delivery of all raw materials, goods and vendor parts for the three Beverungen plants will be concentrated in the new building in future. In order to make optimal use of the space, software automatically assigns the ideal storage location as part of the investment project.

In this way, up to 2300 pallets find their storage position and are directly accessible. The processes are controlled and monitored by automatic labelling and scanning. Delivery stocks can be queried in real time, reorders can be triggered immediately and spare parts can be dispatched at short notice.

Shorter distances, simplified processes and higher efficiency are among the strategic goals of the warehouse, which is located in the middle of the 95,000m² site and centralises both logistics and the provision of all materials.

Improving efficiency and performance

In addition to the storage and order picking areas, office and social areas are being created for the employees from the warehouse, logistics, purchasing and work preparation departments.

This will provide the departments with modern working conditions with short communication and working paths. "With the logistics centre, we are preparing ourselves for the future and improving the efficiency of our warehousing, provisioning and manufacturing processes," says Managing Director Peter Herrmann. "In addition, the measure will free up space in the factories that we can make available to production for further growth."

The planning and approvals took almost two years until the first construction measures could now begin. "With the investment of 4.5 million euros, we are strengthening the Beverungen location, expanding our competitiveness and committing ourselves to quality Made in Germany in the future," Bernhard Hötger, Managing Director of the Hegla Group, explains the investment decision. The logistics centre is scheduled for completion in September 2024.

, © Hegla

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