Glass Industry News

Guardian Sun®: a new range of premium glass solutions for homes that deserve the extra comfort factor all year round

, Guardian Sun

 At glasstec 2022, Guardian Glass introduced Guardian Sun®, a new range of premium glass solutions for homes that desire and deserve even higher levels of comfort all year round. The Guardian Sun® range includes various glass products that can be tailored to suit different regions and climates across Europe.  These products offer varying levels of solar control to meet the specific needs of homeowners.

New glass for a more comfortable lifestyle
Guardian Sun® is ideal for large-glazed areas and windows with a high exposure to the sun.

The glass helps to prevent overheating of interior spaces in the summer, while contributing to keeping rooms warmer in the winter, increasing comfort and allowing homeowners to enjoy natural light and clear, open views throughout the year. In terms of energy consumption, the glass can help reduce the need for air conditioning in the summer, as well as lowering the demand for heating in the winter.

Susana Gago, Sector Marketing Manager Residential Europe at Guardian Glass comments: “Guardian Sun is not only about launching a range of new glass products, it is also about launching a complete solution for helping homeowners find the right glass product to meet their specific needs when buying new windows. The solution includes an online Glass Customizer, which is available on the Guardian Glass website. Using this tool, homeowners are invited to answer a few simple questions about their specific requirements. The tool then recommends the most suitable glass product, which can then be used to visit a local window professional. An online Window Dealer Locator tool will be available soon to help customers find their nearest suitable window expert.”

Training and support for window professionals
In addition, a complete service support package is provided for window professionals. This includes technical support such as glass performance and acoustic calculations, glass visualization tools, as well as promotional materials such as brochures and videos. 

Window experts also benefit from the online Guardian Glass Training Center, a digital learning platform that offers a variety of online interactive training tools and resources on glass and its application, as well as video-based learning sessions, accredited training modules, webinars and an in-person training booking system. As the tools are available 24/7, they can learn when it suits them. Dedicated training modules for window professionals will be available soon.

Guardian Sun® is available annealed and in sizes up to jumbo (6,000mm x 3210mm). All products of the range are suitable for both double- and triple-glazing applications. As well as offering high levels of light transmission, thermal insulation and solar control, the glass can also be laminated to provide increased safety and security and/or sound reduction.

, © Guardian Sun

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