Glass Industry News

Guardian Glass started full production on a technologically advanced new glass coater

, Guardian Glass

The state-of-the-art coater uses advanced technology for turning standard float glass into high performance, value-added glass. It will enable the plant to expand production of low-emissivity (low-E), solar control glass products for residential (Guardian ClimaGuard®) and commercial (Guardian SunGuard®) applications. These high-performance products improve a building’s energy efficiency, aesthetics and comfort for its occupants.

Guus Boekhoudt, Guardian Glass Executive Vice President, says: “Architects and builders are increasing their use of energy-efficient products to improve the building envelope, and we are committed to supporting our customers by providing them with leading, value-added glass products and solutions. This development provides them with an important capability in the region.”

Guardian’s second float and coated glass manufacturing plant in Poland, being built adjacent to its existing Czestochowa plant, will allow Guardian Glass to meet the growing demand for high performance coated and fabricated glass products in Eastern Europe. The new facility -- the most efficient and operationally effective plant within Guardian Glass -- underlines Guardian’s long-term commitment to its customers to be the preferred supplier of architectural glass solutions.




Czestochowa’s original float glass line recently went through a cold tank repair, increasing its production capacity by around 25%. With both furnaces, Guardian Glass is tripling production in Poland -- demonstrating its commitment to the continuous improvement of glass products and services for European customers. These investments will enable Guardian to produce and develop value-added products for the Eastern Europe region quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, Guardian Europe S.à r.l. recently added two new products to its portfolio through strategic partnerships with other industry leaders. These include a building integrated photovoltaic product with ML System S. A ., a leader in this space for 13 years and a strategic partnership with Merck , a leading science and technology company, with whom we now offer eyrise® dynamic liquid crystal windows with Guardian Glass coatings.

“The fact that we were able to execute the completion of the coater in Czestochowa plant safely, and soon shall start the new float line there, during COVID-19, is truly an achievement in and of itself,” adds Boekhoudt. “The safety and wellbeing of our employees remains our number one priority, as we continue with our vision to create value for our company, customers and society.”

The new float line at Czestochowa is expected to begin operations in September 2020.

, © Guardian Glass

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