Glass Industry News

Grenzebach enjoys great success in solar glass lines: 280 systems sold in the Cold End in just four years

, Grenzebach

HAMLAR/Germany, JIASHAN/China. For some 50 years, Grenzebach, the world market leader in the field of glass production technology, has been supplying systems for the manufacture of flat glass. In response to the growing demand for PV modules, Grenzebach upgraded its production technology for solar glass in 2020. Grenzebach now looks back on the four years with a sense of pride: Since 2020, the company has distributed around 280 systems in the Cold End for the production of patterned glass on the worldwide market. The systems are either already in use by customers, are in the process of being delivered and installed, or are still in production.

Past: spotting a trend ahead of the curve

In the 2000s, the Chinese government launched an initiative to promote renewable energies and drive forward the expansion of solar energy. This saw the demand for solar glass increase, which, in turn, saw glass manufacturers react by expanding their production capacities at the same time. “Owing to our decades of experience and extensive know-how from the flat glass segment coupled with the direct proximity to the market with our facility in Jiashan, we have successfully developed effective solutions for the Cold End of patterned glass production," says Markus Gruber, Senior Vice President of the Business Unit Glass at Grenzebach. Back then, Grenzebach was one of the very first suppliers on the scene, especially in China: Then, by as early as 2008, Grenzebach had already installed the first two systems for the production of solar glass in the Chinese province of Guangdong.

Present: state-of-the-art technology

Since then, demand for solar glass has continued to grow, not just in China, but around the world. "We listened to the market and learned from our experiences," says Gruber. In 2020, Grenzebach made extensive updates to its portfolio of systems for patterned glass. New technologies have elevated the production line to a state-of-the-art level, which also impresses in terms of attractive pricing, fast production speeds and quick commissioning. Gruber continues: "We set out to optimize our production facilities for patterned glass so that we could keep meeting the needs of our customers and fulfilling the requirements that are placed on solar glass. Every aspect of the technology is designed with output and cost efficiency in mind, as well as the specific requirements of the Chinese solar glass market."

This upgrade was the result of close collaboration between the Grenzebach sites in Germany and China. "Because we had a facility in China, which placed us in close proximity to the market, we had an excellent understanding of what our customers wanted and needed. This, combined with outstanding technological expertise from Germany, enabled us to precisely tailor our offering to meet customer requirements," attests James Shang, CEO of Grenzebach Machinery Ltd. at Grenzebach's Chinese facility in Jiashan.

What sets Grenzebach apart

Photovoltaic applications require the use of ultra-clear glass with high light transmission, a light-bundling structure and low light reflection. To ensure glass supplied for the solar module is high-quality, the edges must be ground with precision and prepared for subsequent use in the solar module. Further to this, the panes must also be stacked precisely.

Grenzebach offers manufacturers not only robots with high stacking accuracy, but also conveyor and automation technology for transporting the raw glass for further processing, with a commitment to ultra-precise and gentle handling of the delicate substrates. First and foremost, the cutting technology, conveying technology, handling equipment and control system have been specially developed for the manufacture of patterned glass.

Grenzebach continues to impress customers with the excellent cutting accuracy and high reliability of its systems as well as its special productivity-boosting optimization systems. This, coupled with a good price-performance ratio and excellent after-sales service and support, has seen the company gain the approval of customers around the world.

Future: Grenzebach keeps one step ahead

"We are seeing a trend for thinner glass and larger pane sizes due to lightweight applications for solar modules," says Shang. Grenzebach is responding to this apparent shift by facilitating glass thicknesses of just 1.5 to 6 mm. The panel sizes range from 1,200 x 2,400 mm to 2,650 x 2,800 mm – perfectly matched to the dimensions of Chinese solar panels. The capacity of one line usually varies between 125 and 300 metric tons per day.

, © Grenzebach

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