Glass Industry News

Glaston sells two insulating glass lines to customers in the US

, Glaston

Glaston Group has received orders for two Glaston VARIO TPS® insulating glass lines in the United States.

The orders from Central Valley Glass & Screen and Sierra Glass Fabrication are booked in Glaston’s received orders for Q1/2021. The lines will be delivered during the third quarter of the year.

Increased automation and ensuring high quality in the insulating glass production were the driving factors for the customers when choosing Glaston technology. The VARIO TPS® insulating glass lines for the glass sizes of 2700x3500 mm are equipped with a line scanner that digitally reads and defines the different shapes of the glasses passing the information directly to the Thermo Plastic Spacer (TPS®) applicator and the automatic sealing robot, thus saving time and ensuring more accurate end results.

In addition to the increased production capacity with limited failures, local service availability and spare parts support were important for the customers.

Central Valley Glass & Screen in Sacramento has been the Californian contractors’ premier source for wholesale quality manufactured screens and insulated glass units as well as being a leading source for glazing products and screen supplies since 1997.

“We manufacture our own glass products, including insulated glass units. In order to keep the status of being known for the fast, dependable turnaround times and providing the best service possible we require high standards also from our suppliers.,” says Scott Davis, President of Central Valley Glass & Screen.

Founded in 1976, Sierra Glass Fabrication has become one of the leading wholesale suppliers for insulated glass units, tempered and fabricated glass in Reno Nevada, Mammoth Lakes, Bishop and Truckee/Tahoe California.

“Working systematically for the long term success and continued growth in our glass business led us to look for a proven machine and services supplier to support us in reaching these goals. Glaston’s technical knowledge and expertise as an inventor of the TPS spacer system convinced us in making the decision,” says Mike Fedyk,Vice President Operations at Sierra Glass Fabrication.

“We are happy for the trust that these customers place on us and our technology in producing high quality insulating glass. Central Valley Glass & Screen had already experience from our FC Series flat tempering  technology, and their decision to expand with Glaston’s insulating glass technology is highly appreciated while Sierra Glass is a new Glaston customers. We are looking forward to working together in successfully installing the lines and ensuring the smooth production moving forward,” says Kimmo Kuusela, SVP Sales and Service for Americas at Glaston.      

, © Glaston

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