Glass Industry News

Glaston closes deal for new-generation automotive line

, Glaston Corporation

In the automotive industry, the use of glass is increasing in the exterior and interior. New functionalities and glass types as well as safety requirements increase processing complexity and quality requirements. Reflecting the trends, Glaston has closed a deal for an automotive solution for production of big size bent and tempered sidelites.

Glass used in the automotive industry has evolved considerably over the years. Growing environmental awareness and energy efficiency requirements as well as drivers and passangers requirements for a safe and comfortable automotive experience are driving the design of automotive glazing. 

“This means new and changing requirements. As the technology leader we see a lot of new as well as additional opportunities. Reflecting the market trends and requirements, and in line with our revised strategy, we will continue to develop automotive heat treatment products to complement our market leading pre-processing products for an integrated offering. In addition, we will focus on selected automotive display applications,” says Robert Prange, SVP Automotive and Display at Glaston Corporation.

Highest quality bent and tempered glass

After a slow start to the year, demand in the Automotive market started to pick up during spring with production starting to recover. As disclosed in Glastons half-year financial report, the more positive outlook was reflected in increased investment activity in the market for new machinery, and good market activity was noted in China, with many new projects. Also, good recovery was recognized in the North American market.

Increased activity has recently been noted also in the EMEA area. In August, Glaston closed a deal for a HTBS line for production of big size bent and tempered sidelites with an existing flat tempering customer that is expanding their production to Automotive.

“With its flexibility and high end-product quality, the HTBS (Horizontal Bending and Tempering System) line enables glass processors to meet all current market requirements. The HTBS relies on Glaston’s broad technological expertise in heating and convection technology and enables processing of even more challenging glass types,” says Tuomo Nuottimäki,  Director for Glaston’s Heat Treatment Automotive Business. 

The HTBS technology is utilized by world-known original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and automotive replacement glass (ARG) processors that deliver bent and tempered glass in big sizes with superior quality. The line has the capability to process glasses up to size 2400 x 1700 mm and enables the customers to take their automotive offering to a new level.

The order is booked in Glaston’s Q3/2021 received orders and the line will be delivered to the customer in June 2022.

Glaston in brief

Glaston is the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader supplying equipment, services and solutions to the architectural, automotive, solar and appliance industries. The company also supports the development of new technologies integrating intelligence to glass. 

Glaston is committed to providing its clients with both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing, with the purpose of building a better tomorrow through safer, smarter, and more energy efficient glass solutions. Glaston operates globally with manufacturing, services and sales offices in 10 countries and its shares (GLA1V) are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd.

, © Glaston Corporation

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