Glass Industry News

glasstec 2022: successful restart

, glasstec

glasstec has clearly underscored its relevance for the global glass industry with its restart as a face-to-face trade fair after the pandemic induced break. In the “International Year of Glass”, the 936 exhibitors from 47 countries impressively demonstrated to 30,000 visitors from 119 countries the operational excellence of the sector. In focus were the global trend topics Climate, Resource Efficiency, Urbanisation, Value and Well-Being but also current challenges such as high energy costs, supply chain bottlenecks or skilled labour shortage. Held concurrently over three days, the decarbXpo trade fair with its ranges revolving around the decarbonisation of industries was also perceived as a meaningful addition in this context.

“glasstec 2022 came at precisely the right point in time to provide the glass industry with orientation again after the pandemic-induced changes and in a difficult economic climate. The participants’ feedback has been unambiguous here: as a face-to-face trade fair glasstec allows in-depth exchange of experience and knowledge transfer on a global level in a uniquely concentrated form as well as offering an unparalleled, packed line-up of innovations and solutions,” sums up Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.

This impression is also shared by Egbert Wenninger, CCO and board member at Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH, Chairman of VDMA’s Glass Technology Forum as well as Chairman of the Exhibitors’ Advisory Board at glasstec: “We are very happy with the way the fair went! It was absolutely the right decision to participate in glasstec. We notice the positive mood in the teams, among customers and new contacts. Personal meetings and the opportunity to see innovations on the machines on site as an essential experience that was simply missing in the last few years. Now you really realise the importance of a trade fair like glasstec, and we are already looking forward to the next event in two years.”

Many decision-makers, very international
Over 75% of the trade visitors travelled to Düsseldorf from abroad. This means the share of international guests continues at a very high level, confirming the leading global position of glasstec for the industry in the “International Year of Glass”. This was declared by the United Nations for 2022 to create visibility for the scientific, economic and cultural importance of the material that is glass as well as its vital role in future-focused topics like climate protection and CO2-reduction.

At 75%, the equally high percentage of executives who are involved in investment decisions underlines the high quality of the trade fair. Visitors were highly satisfied with the ranges on display at glasstec. Well over 90% stated they had achieved their objectives set for the visit. For the majority, seeking new suppliers as well as innovations and trends was the main goal.

Not only the broad-based ranges displayed by exhibitors make glasstec so attractive for decision-makers but also the high-calibre accompanying programme of Special Shows and conferences. This way glasstec provides a comprehensive platform for knowledge transfer and presents all target groups – from the skilled trades to architects’ offices, from glass processors to producers and from upstream suppliers to the industry and technology vendors – with innovations and solutions for their respective demands.

glasstec conference – the Think Tank for the glass industry
The programme of the glasstec conference combined the industry know-how from theory and practice in the context of the five global trend topics Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency, Urbanisation, Value and Well-Being. Every day, the glasstec visitors were informed about current developments and trends in lectures on glass production, glass processing and finishing as well as glass products and applications. In addition, the Conference was streamed on the glasstec website.           

Foresight. Sustainable architecture with glass – The International Architecture Congress
Also forming a traditional part of the line-up of side events is the International Architecture Congress. Eight representatives from renowned architects’ and engineering offices, who are pioneers in planning and building with glass, presented their exciting projects to the approx. 100 participants. Discussions also revolved around the contribution that glass facades can make to moving away from fossil fuel dependence, improving human well-being in increasingly warmer climates and highlighted the technical and design potential glass holds for architecture today.

Innovation Show glass technology live
The Innovation Show glass technology live was centre stage in the line-up of side events and under the heading “NEXT IN GLASS” presented spectacular exhibits to reflect the latest trends and results of scientific research thereby providing insights and outlooks on the performance of the sector. The Innovation Show was organised by the network of the four technical universities Darmstadt, Delft, Dortmund and Dresden.

Craft LIVE and WorldSkills Germany@glasstec
The Special Area Craft LIVE in Hall 10 again showed the top innovations for skilled craftsmen in the glazing trade in hands-on demonstrations this year. At the WorldSkills Germany@glasstec young glaziers from throughout Germany competed with each other to secure a place for participation in the EuroSkills 2023 in Poland. Maximilian Kröger from Dieburg is the winner of the WorldSkills Germany@glasstec.

With a live demonstration on the fire resistance of fire-resistant glass, ift Rosenheim showed how glass can ensure safe containment in the event of a fire. The supporting programme was rounded off by the Special Show “glass art”, which showed art objects made of glass.

START-UP ZONE – market entry for young companies from the glass industry
The glasstec “START-UP ZONE” offered a total of 11 young and innovative companies an excellent platform for networking and professional exchange with top decision-makers from the glass industry. Visitors benefited from new and innovative applications and solutions.

First decarbXpo builds momentum for energy transition in industry and commerce
The first international trade fair for industrial and commercial decarbonisation, decarbXpo, came to a successful close. Around 100 exhibitors from 15 countries presented their technologies and solutions in Hall 9 of Düsseldorf’s exhibition centre. Together with three concurrent conferences, the trade fair demonstrated both investors’ and industrial users’ need for an intensive exchange of information on new technologies and cooperation for climate protection. Held concurrently with glasstec, provided additional attention: production companies from the glass industry visited decarbXpo to discuss reducing energy costs and CO2 emissions as well as energy storage.

The next glasstec will be held in line with its two-year cycle from 22 to 25 October 2024 in Düsseldorf.

, © glasstec

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Aktualisierte Studie für die weltweite Glasindustrie 2025 jetzt verfügbar für Flach-, Hohlglas und Tableware

Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

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