Glass Industry News

glasstec 2020 postponed – New Dates: 15 – 18 June 2021

, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Industry and Associations endorse the decision

The effects of the Coronavirus have now also impacted glasstec 2020, which will be postponed to 15 to 18 June 2021. In view of the continued uncertainties in terms of travel restrictions and quarantine provisions in the core target markets Messe Düsseldorf has opted in favour of these new dates in close coordination with the trade fair’s advisory board and all partners involved. The world’s No.1 trade fair for the glass industry was originally planned to take place from 20 to 23 October. Messe Düsseldorf is already busy cooperating with the associations to offer digital service formats for 2020 with the aim of bringing customers and exhibitors together and digitally place the information and ranges available at glasstec at the disposal of interested trade visitors on the original trade fair dates. Further details will follow shortly.

“The economic crisis caused by the Corona pandemic has also hit the glass industry and its machinery and equipment manufacturers hard. Many companies are forced to switch to crisis mode and put all investments – including trade fair participations – to the test to mitigate possible negative economic impacts. Potential travel restrictions and the protection of visitors’ and exhibitors’ health will have an impact on visitor numbers. A smaller glasstec 2020 with markedly fewer visitors would in our view not do justice to the trade fair. glasstec has been and will be the most important global event for the glass industry, mechanical engineering and skilled crafts; and since it should continue to be that way we decided to postpone. In 2021 we expect a strong glasstec with high international attendance, ideally in perfect sync with a phase of economic recovery after Corona,” says Egbert Wenninger, Chairman of the glasstec advisory board and Chairman of VDMA’s Glass Technology Forum.

Commenting on the re-scheduling Dr. Overath, Director General of the Federal Association of the Glass Industry (BVG e.V.) says: “glasstec is the leading trade fair for glass. It thrives on the international cross-section of its visitors and brings together people from throughout the world with a passion for the material that is glass. Many companies and visitors, however, will abstain from participating this year in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and/or heavily cut down their engagement at the trade fair for economic reasons. We therefore back the decision taken by Messe Düsseldorf to not hold glasstec this year. glasstec should be postponed to a point in time where glass rather than the Coronavirus is centre stage.”

Skilled crafts also support the decision to postpone the trade fair to the coming year.

Michael Wolter, the Federal Guild Master, says: “For potential exhibitors the many uncertainties still associated with glasstec 2020 result in unreasonable risks in view of the required trade fair planning and the associated investment. This is why we welcome a postponement to 2021 with the aim of then being able to do justice to the glasstec brand. This is entirely in the interest of exhibitors and trade fair visitors.”

Thankful for the cooperation of all partners in this special situation Werner M. Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, says: “In close consultation with the industry associations, major exhibitors as well as many other partners, we have succeeded in agreeing on these new dates. We are happy to help all parties involved reliably plan with this joint decision. Needless to say, we are also in close contact with the hospitality sector and all other industries and trades affected by the re-scheduling with a view to coming up with viable solutions”.

Dornscheidt goes on to say: “The safety and health of our visitors, exhibitors and employees will, of course, also be our highest priority at the upcoming event. Appropriate precautions are being developed and taken in partnership with our conceptual partners (the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association VDMA, the Federal Association of the German Glass Industry and the Federal Guild Association of the Glazier Trade). The Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre continues to be characterised by a high degree of hygiene as well as good medical care for the upcoming fairs in autumn 2020. We are closely monitoring current developments and are in direct contact with the authorities for that matter. This ensures that any new findings are exchanged quickly and measures can be adapted.”

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, © Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

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Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

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