Glass Industry News

GlassPrint 2023: Conference programme announced


A packed two-day schedule of technical presentations and networking opportunities has been revealed for the GlassPrint 2023 conference and exhibition, where an international audience of glassmakers, decorators, end-users, OEMs, suppliers and brand owners will gather in Düsseldorf, Germany on 25-26 April 2023.

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 Decoration is a key process in the manufacture of architectural, automotive and hollow glass, and GlassPrint 2023 will unveil the latest trends and developments for enhancing end products, cutting production costs and making processes more efficient. Highlights of the programme announced at include:.

An extensive series of technical presentations by specialist speakers covering digital and screen processes that will detail the latest cutting-edge technologies for decorating all types of glass.

A series of keynote speeches by industry figureheads from leading bodies such as BV Glas, FEVE, Glass for Europe and Messe Düsseldorf/glasstec.

Networking events and a tabletop exhibition displaying the latest advances in inks, pre-press technology, printing equipment and supplies.


Technical sessions

Featuring an expanded technical programme, experts representing leading players in the glass decoration sector will deliver a series of presentations including:

“Screen printing precision and quality: Why standardisation is the long-term key” by Cugher/Saati

“Simplify screen making: What is essential for screen printing on glass” by Grünig-Interscreen/SignTronic

“Digital screen printing for flat glass – based on laser technology with ‘ordinary’ ceramic ink” by Haselsteiner

“Make your branding stick: Pre-treatment and digital printing considerations” by Inkcups

“UV LED curing for glass applications: The need for a more sustainable solution” by Integration Technology

“Bird-friendly glass: Decorative or invisible structuring of architectural glass to prevent bird collisions” by KIWO

“Hybrid: No limits in printing direct-to-shape” by Koenig & Bauer Kammann

“Printing process and system design for print patterning and mapping” by LANS/HEIG

“Direct-to-object printing” by Marabu

“Establishing and maintaining inkjet print quality on glass” by Meteor Inkjet

“Things to know about 360° print: Sustainability, personalisation, prototyping, differentiation” by Modico/LSINC

“Inkjet printing of functional materials in glass manufacturing” by Notion Systems

“From architecture glass to automotive displays: New solutions and opportunities for screen printing” by Thieme

“Curing with UV LED” by Uviterno

“Challenges in hollowware glass decoration” by Vibrantz


Further presentations will be added shortly and the latest programme can be found on the GlassPrint website alongside full information on timings. 

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Limited space available

Held once more in the easily accessible Radisson Blu Conference Hotel, Düsseldorf, early registration at is highly recommended due to limited space in the hotel venue. Admission includes access to all presentations, exhibition displays, refreshments, lunch and networking dinner. Discounts are available for multiple delegate bookings. Very limited tabletop exhibition space is also still available for companies wishing to promote their products and services to a captive audience of existing and potential customers.


Networking opportunities

The expanded conference programme will be supported by intervals dedicated to the complementary tabletop exhibition area, and at the end of the first day delegates will benefit from networking with peers and suppliers during an evening dinner. Current exhibitors include COMATEC-LANS (HEIG-VD/HES-SO), Cugher Glass, Encres Dubuit, Fermac, Gallus, Global Inkjet Systems, Grünig-Interscreen/SignTronic, Haselsteiner, Inkcups, Integration Technology, Isimat, Kissel + Wolf, Koenig & Bauer Kammann, Marabu, Meteor Inkjet, Modico, Notions Systems, Saati, Sefar, Seiko Instruments, Siak Transfers, Sun Chemical, Thieme, Torrecid, Uviterno and Vibrantz.

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Track record

With GlassPrint 2023 the ninth edition in the series, the event has a proven track record of success and has attracted senior personnel representing key stakeholders from across the world such as ABInBev, AGC, Apple, ARC, Ardagh, BA Glass, Corning, Deco Glas, Diageo, Guardian, Heinz, LAV, Libbey, Nokia, Nestlé, NSG/Pilkington, O-I, Saint-Gobain, Saverglass, Schott, Sisecam, Steklarna Hrastnik, The Absolut Company, Verallia, Vetropack and many more. Feedback from GlassPrint 2019 indicated that 99% of attendees considered the standard of the conference programme to be ‘good/very good’ and 94% confirmed that the presentations would be useful to their business.

GlassPrint 2023 is jointly organised by Chameleon Business Media, publisher of “Glass Worldwide”, and ESMA. In recognition of its importance in the global events calendar, GlassPrint is powered by glasstec and sponsored by Glass Global.

, © ESMA

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Dieses Programm ermöglicht einen globalen Überblick über Glashersteller und technische Details. Übersichtliche und benutzerdefinierte Tabellen fassen die Informationen effizient zusammen wie z.B. Glastypen: Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware, Produktionskapazitäten in Kontinenten und Ländern, Ofenanzahl, Ofentypen, Baujahre, Glassorten und Unterkategorien, Produkte, Projekte, spezielle News und Downloads.

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