Glass Industry News

glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023 conclude in Mumbai with a resounding success and an excellent turnout from the glass industry

, glasspex India and Glasspro

The recently concluded 7th edition of glasspex INDIA & 4th edition of glasspro INDIA, which took place at Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai from 14-16 September, witnessed an enthusiastic response from the glass industry over 3 days of cutting-edge product-showcase, insightful conference and extensive networking. Organised by the leading trade fair organiser, Messe Düsseldorf India, the much-awaited shows returned after a gap of 4 years when the hankering for face-to-face networking was at its peak. Described by the participants as a crucial meeting point for the global glass fraternity, glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA hold a position of great significance not just for the solution providers but also for buyers across industries. 

At this grand confluence of innovation & ideas spread across an area of 7000 square meters, 171 companies from India and abroad showcased their exhibits & solutions and gathered keen interest from buyers. glasspex INDIA 2023 brought forth unique glass production, processing & finishing technologies for hollow glass, hollow glass products and applications, glass packaging technologies, presented by leading companies from the production part of the glass manufacturing value chain. 

Organised together with Glass Bulletin, glasspro INDIA 2023 displayed high-tech glass production techniques, latest trends, cutting-edge glass processing solutions, tools, glass products and applications, auxiliary products and services for the flat glass industry. As part of glasspro INDIA, fenestrationpro INDIA hosted discussions on the upcoming design trends and energy-efficient building technologies. 

The shows kick-started on a positive note in the presence of key dignitaries from the industry. The industry stakeholders who attended the ceremony include Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, President - All India Glass Manufacturers Association (AIGMF) and senior representatives from leading organisations such as Dukhiram Maurya Engg. & Refractory Works, Thermo Tech Furnace & Engineers, Furnotherm Glass Projects India, Gopal Glass Works, JGS Glass Industries and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA).

The shows were rightly placed at a time when the glass industry is witnessing burgeoning growth due to factors such as rising need for energy-conservation, growing demand for sustainable packaging and increased application of glass in construction, design & architecture. 

“We had a very successful time at glasspex INDIA 2023 in terms of meeting existing & new esteemed customers and new orders finalisation. Dukhiram Maurya Engg. was the largest exhibitor during the event and we thank glasspex INDIA and Messe Düsseldorf India for their contribution in further expanding our business horizons.”, said Rajnath Maurya, Director - Dukhiram Maurya Engg. & Refractory Works (I) Pvt. Ltd. 

Mirroring the demand for glass across industries, the shows attracted a great mix of visitors from a variety of sectors such as construction, architecture, pharmaceuticals, beverages, cosmetic & perfumery manufacturers, lighting, glass instrument makers, interior design and more. 

Tejkaran Bachhawat, Founder - JGS Glass Industries, an exhibitor at glasspro INDIA 2023 stated, “Participating as first-time exhibitors at glasspro INDIA was both thrilling and inspiring. We meticulously prepared our booth to showcase our glass-related products and services, engaged with attendees and industry experts providing invaluable insights and connections. The experience allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the glass industry's dynamics. We're excited to build on this experience and return to glasspro INDIA with even more confidence in the future”. 

This year, the shows witnessed participation from all over the world with companies from China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, UK and USA joining the exhibition floor. China, Germany & Italy brought together companies at the dedicated pavilions. Visitors at the shows came from 22 countries including Austria, Bangladesh, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mozambique, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UAE, USA and Vietnam. 

The shows are supported by the All India Glass Manufacturers Association (AIGMF) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). Both the events are powered by glasstec Düsseldorf, the world’s leading exhibition for the glass industry. 

Delighted with the great response received from the industry, Thomas Schlitt, Managing Director – Messe Düsseldorf India, states, “The 2023 editions of the shows have set a new benchmark in terms of the number of attendees who visited and conducted highly productive business interactions with solution providers from the industry. With representation from India and abroad, the show emerged as an extremely successful platform for the global glass industry to network and explore new dimensions. We strongly believe that this is an opportune time for the glass industry and the success of glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023 is a testament to the exponential growth potential of the industry”. 

Day 1 of the shows concluded with the 5th Glass Bulletin Awards that felicitated the achievements of individuals and companies for their laudable contributions towards the growth of the glass industry across various award categories. The magnificent ceremony brought the industry together for an evening of appreciation and celebration. 

Alongside the well laid-out exhibition, the concurrent 14th biennial International Conference organised by the All India Glass Manufacturers' Federation (AIGMF), held on 15th September, hosted in-depth deliberations by thought leaders from across the globe on key aspects of the glass industry. Over 100 delegates attended the highly successful conference themed "Decarbonization for the Sustainable Glass Industry”.

Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, President - AIGMF said, "By all aspects the 7th glasspex and 4th glasspro exhibitions organised by Messe Düsseldorf India was a huge success. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Mumbai and had the opportunity to meet varied stakeholders after a long time on a common platform. I understand from the industry members that the business meetings were meaningful and may pave co-operation for future collaborations and new partnerships. The 14th AIGMF international conference on 'Decarbonization' was extremely successful in registering over 100 members from the industry world over. Apart from expert speakers, Delhi Technological University, Messe Düsseldorf India and Glass Worldwide's support, our sincere thanks is due to the sponsors and supporting companies namely - La Opala, Borosil, Cello, Haldyn Glass, Schott India, PGP, AGI, Gopal Glass, Empire-Vitrum, Asahi, Gujarat Guardian, Kapoor Glass, NIPRO, Neutral Glass, NES, Dukhiram Maurya, Mascot, Firozabad and affiliated members." 

The shows concluded with high energy and optimism for the future of the glass industry. The 8th edition of glasspex INDIA & 5th edition of glasspro INDIA will be held at Bombay Exhibition Center from 10-12 September 2025.

, © glasspex India and Glasspro

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