Glass Industry News

glasspex INDIA 2023 & glasspro INDIA 2023

, glasspex India and Glasspro

7,500 participants saw a wide spectrum of innovative product presentations, exciting conferences and intense networking over three days.

The 7th edition of glasspex INDIA & the 4th edition of glasspro INDIA were staged at Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai, from 14 to 16 September. Organised by Messe Düsseldorf India the two trade fairs enjoyed a strong response from the glass industry with innovative product presentations and networking events after a 4-year break. 171 companies showcased their products and solutions on 7,000 square metres of exhibition space. This year also saw an official German joint pavilion sponsored by BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection).

At glasspex INDIA 2023 leading enterprises from the manufacturing stage of the glass value chain presented glass production, processing & finishing technologies for container glass, hollow glass products and applications as well as glass packaging technologies.

glasspro INDIA 2023 – in cooperation with the Glass Bulletin Magazine – showcased high-tech glass production technologies, latest trends, innovative glass processing solutions, tools, glass products and applications, auxiliary products and services for the float glass sector. As part of glasspro INDIA, fenestrationpro INDIA organised panel discussions on design trends and energy-efficient building technologies.

The trade fairs reflected the glass industry’s increasing focus, also in India, on energy savings, the rising demand for eco-friendly packaging and increased areas of application in construction. architecture and design.  

Thomas Schlitt, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf India, is delighted with the strong response from the industry and stressed the global reach and growth potential of the glass industry: “With industry representatives from India and abroad, the trade fair proved an extremely successful platform for the global glass industry for networking and exploring new dimensions. We are firmly convinced that this is a favourable point in time for the glass industry, and the success of glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023 provides proof of this sector’s exponential growth potential.” The international audience at the trade fair included countries like China, Germany, Italy, France and the USA.  

On the eve of glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023, VDMA, the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, organised a symposium on Glass Production Technologies & Processes, at the Jio World Convention Centre; it attracted just under 80 experts from the glass producing and processing industries who attended to learn about the latest technologies from Germany and Europe. Speakers from eight machinery and equipment manufacturers used this chance to make contact with these users and potential customers after their lectures – an excellent opportunity to refresh the partnership-based relations with the Indian industry after a 4-year trade fair break. The VDMA Forum Glastechnik and VDMA Büro India were very pleased with the result of the event and will again organise a symposium in the run-up to the next glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023.

A highlight of glasspex INDIA & glasspro INDIA 2023 was the presentation of the 5th Glass Bulletin Award. Initiated by the leading Indian glass trade journal, Glass Bulletin, both companies and individuals were recognised for their outstanding achievements in the fields of industry growth, progress and development of the Indian glass industry.  

Registering over 100 delegates, the 14th International AIGMF Conference, organised by the All India Glass Manufacturers’ Federation also proved a resounding success. Leading glass industry experts discussed key issues for the glass sector under the heading Decarbonisation for the Sustainable Glass Industry.

The next edition of the trade fairs will be held at Bombay Exhibition Center from 10 to 12 September 2025. For more information go to and

, © glasspex India and Glasspro

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Wir haben unsere internationale Studie über die Glasindustrie (Flachglas, Hohlglas, Tableware) für 2025 aktualisiert.

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