Glass Industry News

‘Glass Decorates’ hails the Youth


To encourage the Young Minds and to commemorate the International Youth Day, The All India Glass Manufacturers’ Federation (AIGMF)* organised its annual contest on ‘Glass Decorates’ or कांच से सजावट I


The contest invited online entries from the Youth between 7-24 years by means of essays, poems, drawings, photography, etc. Hundreds of entries were received from schools and colleges across India.


1st Prize (Rs. 25,000) was given to Aadita Kalra aged 12 years, 8th class student of Vikas Bharati Public School, DELHI


2nd Prize (Rs. 15,000) was given to Anushka aged 15 years, 10th class student of Bal Bharti School, Bahadurgarh HARYANA


3rd Prize (Rs. 10,000) were given each to:

a)      Khush Mann aged 12 years, 7th class student of The Mann School, DELHI

b)      Devang Dalvi aged 14 years, 10th class student of Reliance Foundation School, Lodhivali MAHARASHTRA

c)      Nvyanna Khanna aged 15 years, 11th class student of Adarsh Public School, NEW DELHI


The Jury comprised of Mr. Gurmeet Singh, Chairman, Federation of Safety Glass (FOSG) and Managing Director, Gurind India (P) Ltd.; Mr. G N Gohul Deepak, Executive Director, Glazing Society of India (GSI); Mr. Dave Fordham, Member Editorial Board of KANCH (AIGMF’s Glass journal), Former Publisher of Glass Worldwide magazine and Global Engagement Lead for Glass Futures (United Kingdom); and Mr. Vinit Kapur, Secretary of The All India Glass Manufacturers’ Federation.


“An excellent initiative by Glass Fraternity to create awareness on Glass amongst the upcoming younger generation. The response from the youngsters has been overwhelming. The way they have expressed their passion in a creative and artistic manner is highly commendable. I wish the participants greater success in their future endeavours.’, said Mr. Gurmeet Singh, Chairman, Federation of Safety Glass (FOSG) and Managing Director, Gurind India (P) Ltd.


“It is very promising to see the hand work of our younger generation and their excellent efforts to learn about glass. We appreciate the continuous efforts of AIGMF in reaching out to young India” said Mr. G N Gohul Deepak, Executive Director, Glazing Society of India (GSI).


“It was inspiring to review the impressive quality and quantity of ‘Glass Decorates’ entries because the young applicants demonstrated a remarkable passion for glass. The annual AIGMF competitions enable vital education about the role of glass in society and I offer sincere congratulations to the winners and all those that took part this year.”, said Mr. Dave Fordham, Member Editorial Board of KANCH (AIGMF’s Glass journal), Former Publisher of Glass Worldwide magazine and Global Engagement Lead for Glass Futures (United Kingdom).


“It is our 7th year in a row when we have involved Youth for such assignments and every year, we get to learn something new from the Young minds related to Health and Environment and how Glass is vital in our daily lives” said Secretary AIGMF Mr. Vinit Kapur.


Special mention was made by the Jury for excellent works submitted by Mohd. Juned aged 22 years, a student of Bachelor of Arts, Jamia Millia Islamia, DELHI and Akshita Tejwani aged 16 years, 12th class student of Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls School, Jaipur RAJASTHAN; both are 1st prize winners of the Youth contest for 2023 and 2022 respectively.


The cash prizes for the winners were sponsored by Schott Glass India Pvt. Ltd., producing Type I pharma tubing primarily meant for Glass Vials which were also supplied worldwide for packaging COVID vaccination. Mr. Pawan Kumar Shukla, Managing Director of Schott Glass India Pvt. Ltd., and Executive Committee Member AIGMF congratulated the winners and said involving Youth in sustainable projects is extremely important to create a better living society.  


Top 50 entries will get a specially designed 80 years AIGMF Glass Mementoes. Winning and special entries can be viewed at    


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