Glass Industry News

Gerresheimer is driving sustainable cosmetic glass packaging by using more post-consumer recycled glass

, Gerresheimer

As a leading producer of glass packaging for cosmetic products, Gerresheimer is committed to driving sustainability in the sector. Gerresheimer has been successfully producing glass with a high proportion of post-consumer recycled (PCR) material for over 10 years in Momignies, Belgium. From 2020, Gerresheimer will also begin producing glass with a higher proportion of recycled glass at the Tettau site in Germany. By using recycled glass, new high-quality cosmetics packaging can be produced, thus helping preserve natural resources. As the market leader in recycled glass production of cosmetics packaging, Gerresheimer is driving circularity and resource savings every day. At Luxepack in Monaco, Gerresheimer will be showcasing some examples of products for customers including The Body Shop, L’Oréal, Biotherm, Fresh, Clarins, and L’Occitane at booth RC09.

“We have been using recycled glass for cosmetic packaging for over 10 years now, making us market pioneers,” says Nicola Balena, General Manager at Gerresheimer Momignies. “Our recycled glass packaging has won over many of our customers seeking to improve their packaging sustainability without trade-offs. We are committed to the circular economy and only produce cosmetics packaging with a high post-consumer recycled glass content. We are ahead of the market in this respect.” Working together with its customers, Gerresheimer has developed glass for cosmetics packaging that has the highest percentage of post-consumer recycled (PCR) material available today, while offering an unprecedented level of quality.

Optimal Supply Chain Agility

The clear-glass furnace in Momignies turns recycled glass into cosmetic glass around the clock and the whole year. The site in Tettau will follow suit from 2020 onward.

Pushing the limits of recycled content in cosmetics glass packaging

As part of its commitment to circular economy, Gerresheimer has worked hard to reduce the proportion of raw materials (sand, calcium oxide, and sodium carbonate) used in its clear glass to just 45 % of the materials melted in the furnace. The glass composition has been audited and certified by Belgian company RDC environment, which also completed a full life cycle assessment (LCA) of Gerresheimer’s recycled glass. This LCA was then reviewed by Quantis, expert in sustainability for cosmetics packaging. They also meet the requirements of the EU legislation and the newly established Spice Initiative.

Providing sustainability benefits without aesthetic trade-offs

Glass bottles and jars are the go-to primary packaging material for many cosmetics products because they look elegant and convey quality while safely protecting their contents. Glass is also a 100% recyclable raw material, meaning it can be turned back into glass many times over in a circular system. Moreover, the higher the proportion of recycled glass used, the less energy is needed for production. This means the amount of recycled glass used at the Momignies site leads energy savings at the production stage compared to non-recycled glass. Glas is made from silica sand, sodium carbonate, and calcium oxide as well as dolomite, feldspar, potash, and metal ions for coloration. Using recycled glass in cosmetics packaging saves energy, natural resources and reduces carbon emissions while still conveying quality and elegance.

Experts from Gerresheimer will explain their sustainable glass production and present numerous new designs at booth RC09 at Luxepack 2019 in Monaco from September 29 to October 2, 2019.

Gerresheimer as a partner for the cosmetics industry

Gerresheimer offers a portfolio of innovative glass and plastic packaging for perfumes, cosmetics, and body care products. It boasts standard shapes as well as customized packaging based on individual requirements. As a leading partner of the selective cosmetics, masstige, and mass markets, the company offers sustainable and state-of-the-art technology, individual finishing and decoration techniques, and a wide range of materials, including recycled materials, to produce high-quality packaging solutions.

More information

Gerresheimer Primary Packaging Glass Cosmetics

Gerresheimer Momignies

Gerresheimer Tettau

About Gerresheimer

Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industry. With specialty glass and plastic products, the Company contributes to health and well-being. Gerresheimer operates worldwide and its approximately 10,000 employees manufacture products in local markets, close to its customers. With plants in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, Gerresheimer generates revenues of around EUR 1.4 billion. The comprehensive product portfolio includes pharmaceutical packaging and products for the safe, simple administration of medicines: insulin pens, inhalers, micro pumps, prefillable syringes, injection vials, ampoules, bottles, and containers for liquid and solid medicines with closure and safety systems as well as packaging for the cosmetics industry. 


, © Gerresheimer

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