Glass Industry News

Gerresheimer gradually switches to green electricity

, Gerresheimer

Since June 1, 2020 Gerresheimer has been supplying its plants in Wackersdorf, Pfreimd and Horšovský Týn with electricity which is obtained 100% from renewable energies, with the emphasis on hydroelectric power. For the globally active pharma and healthcare specialist, sustainability is one of the five strategic pillars of the company The conclusion of contracts with the utilities for the supply of environmentally friendly, certified green electricity is a further step in the reduction of emissions and the most efficient use of resources. 
As a globally active production company, Gerresheimer bears great responsibility for its products, for customers, patients, employees, partners, suppliers, neighborhood and the environment. Sustainability with a focus on ecology, economy and social issues is therefore firmly anchored in the corporate philosophy. In view of advancing climate change, Gerresheimer is intensifying its efforts to continuously improve the energy, consumption and emissions management of its plants. Because the company uses large quantities of energy in the manufacture of its products, Gerresheimer has for many years placed the focus of its sustainability strategy on the efficient use of energy and the avoidance of emissions.
A decisive lever here is the use of electricity from renewable energy sources. "We have decided to extend our existing contracts with the utilities and in future to source 100 % of our requirements from renewable energy sources. ", explains Oliver Burgel (Global Executive Vice President Operations, Procurement, HR & Quality, Management Board, Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH). The green electricity certificates (guarantees of origin) comply with the currently applicable EU Directive on the use of energy from renewable sources and are managed by the Guarantee of Origin Register of the Federal Environment Agency.

About Gerresheimer
Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industry. With special products made of glass and plastic the company contributes to health and well- being. Gerresheimer is represented worldwide and with around 10,000 employees produces where its customers and markets are located. With plants in Europe, North and South America and Asia, Gerresheimer generates sales of around €1.4 billion. The wide range of products includes pharmaceutical packaging and products for simple and safe drug delivery: Insulin pens, inhalers, prefillable syringes, injection vials, ampoules, bottles and containers for liquid and solid medications with closure and safety systems as well as packaging for the cosmetics industry.

, © Gerresheimer

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