Glass Industry News

futronic bids farewell to two veteran employees

, futronic

Two longstanding futronic employees are now enjoying well-earned retirement.

Manfred Grünvogel worked in our company’s Purchasing department for around 32 years while Josef Karl Kopold spent nearly three decades in Development and Quality Assurance. The farewell party with full red-carpet treatment and an extensive buffet – normally a tradition at futronic on occasions like this – unfortunately had to be cancelled owing to Covid-19. Nevertheless, the “young retirees’” closest colleagues in their respective departments insisted on saying goodbye to them in a fitting way at a scaled-down event, where they were presented with some charming and very personal gifts.

Both helped to write the history of our company
Michael Preuß, Managing Director of futronic, turned up as well to honour Manfred Grünvogel and Josef Karl Kopold with two short speeches, in which he thanked them for their loyalty over so many years. “They’ve gone through quite a few ups and downs with us in the course of the last three decades or so”, said Preuß. “But above all, they’ve helped to write the history of our company and played a significant part in our success. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank-you on behalf of the management and the entire staff.” He then wished the two of them all the best as they start this new phase in their lives.

Departments and teams excellently positioned
They will both leave a big gap and of course their rich experience will be sorely missed here. Throughout all the years, Grünvogel and Kopold have been more than happy to share their knowledge with their colleagues. There’s a consensus between them that “our departments and teams are excellently positioned for the future as the next generation prepare to take over. I’ve no worries at all on that front”, Kopold commented amiably.

Specialist for critical procurement tasks
Manfred Grünvogel’s career at futronic lasted for about 32 years. He originally trained with Hymer, the motorhome manufacturer from his native Bad Waldsee, where he also spent his first working years. Grünvogel’s territory was in Purchasing: he knew all the suppliers and the background stories inside out, and he was also our specialist for particularly critical procurement tasks. And as a keen amateur photographer, he was regularly in the midst of the action creating unforgettable memories whenever there was something to celebrate. “I was what you might call the official paparazzi”, Grünvogel recalls with a smile. An early riser, he hopes he’ll soon be able to take advantage of his newly acquired freedom to travel more widely, sightseeing around Europe or setting off on long hikes – on a sunny Mediterranean island, high up in the Alps or closer to home in the Lake Constance region.

More time for the environment
Josef Karl Kopold comes from Neuburg an der Donau and after training as a fabric buyer, he initially worked in the retail trade. His passion for amateur radio eventually opened the door for him to a job in electronics. And to futronic, where he spent some 29 years in Quality Assurance. Kopold, too, loves travelling and hiking, and for many years he has also been interested in history – and even more so in environmental and climate protection, amongst other things as a volunteer with the German branch of Friends of the Earth. He’s looking forward to “finally having more time for all of that”.

, © futronic

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