Glass Industry News

FUCHS Expands its product portfolio offer for the glass container industry with the acquisition of VDV Lubricants n.v.

, FUCHS Lubricants

VDV Lubricants n.v. – A Strategic Acquisition

For the FUCHS Group, acquisitions are targeted to companies with expertise in specialist lubricant technology which are complementary to FUCHS own strengths; and where the resources of FUCHS can add value in terms of technology, business development and Global footprint.

Established in 1998 in Belgium, VDV Lubricants n.v. has carved a niche in the glass industry producing high quality hot end lubricants with a focus on the future of mould swabbing through the development of its range of automatic swabbing machine lubricants. 

From 01 August 2018, FUCHS are pleased to announce the acquisition of the business of VDV Lubricants n.v. to further strengthen its position in the glass industry. This acquisition brings additional specialist technology for the glass container manufacturing industry and follows the acquisition of Batoyle Freedom Group in 2014 - a perfect fit for the development of FUCHS future strategy in this market.

FUCHS Lubricants (UK) plc - Centre of Excellence for Glass Industry Lubricants

The VDV lubricant portfolio will form part of the current FUCHS LUBRITECH Glass lubricants range and will be incorporated into the “Technical Centre of Excellence for Glass Industry Lubricants” located at FUCHS in the UK and be managed as part of the FUCHS LUBRITECH specialist division in the UK.

This centre is the hub for new product development, technical support service and the development and control of quality assurance and manufacturing systems and procedures associated with all FUCHS LUBRITECH glass industry products.

Crucially, the centre provides specialist technical support services to enhance that of the global FUCHS LUBRITECH operations. The centre manages new product development and aids in the transfer of knowledge and technology to local FUCHS companies around the world.

Francois Breye, currently the Managing Director of VDV Lubricants, will join the FUCHS LUBRITECH Glass division as business development VP for Western Europe.

Richard Rogers Head of FUCHS UK Specialities Division said:

“The successful execution of the Company's strategy continues to place FUCHS in a strong position. This acquisition of VDV announced today has enhanced our product offering and capabilities, growing our market leading position in the glass industry sector”.

, © FUCHS Lubricants

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