Glass Industry News

This glass makes for a pleasant indoor climate all year round

, Fineo Solar

With its high-quality solar control coating, the new Fineo Solar Control vacuum glass ensures that even rooms behind larger or south-facing windows and façades can maintain a pleasant indoor climate all year round.

Air temperatures are rising and all climate models show that the tendency is for it to get even hotter in the future. Summer heat protection is therefore becoming increasingly important. Fineo Solar Control was developed against this background.

While the daylight transmission remains high (TL = 73 % for Fineo 8), the g-value for effective solar control drops to 41 % (according to EN 410). On cold days, the vacuum glass protects against heat loss with a low Ug value of 0.7 to 0.45 (Fineo Hybrid).

Vacuum glass technologies transmit more visible daylight than conventional heat-insulating glass due to their filigree glass structures and the only 0.1 millimetre slim vacuum chamber. At the same time, "Fineo Solar Control" offers effective protection against rooms heating up in summer: a high-quality solar control coating is applied to one of the pane surfaces, which are permanently fused together in a 5 mm wide edge area.

This ensures that only 41 % of the sun's rays enter the room, while at the same time 73 % of the visible daylight is allowed through. The desired result is bright rooms that are nevertheless protected from overheating in summer.

What else does vacuum glass do?

Of particular interest for houses in cities or near busy roads: the vacuum chamber sealed in Fineo also increases sound insulation: by an average of 3 decibels, according to the manufacturer. In the frequency range of traffic noise, this corresponds to a "perceived" halving of the volume.

Further advantages: When installed at an angle, for example in skylights, there are no convection losses, which are the reason for conventional thermal insulation glass in the cavity.

The combination with a solar control coating is available for all Fineo variants.

The monolithic "Fineo" is as thin as a smartphone, but insulates as well as an approximately 40 mm thick triple thermal insulation glass, which predestines it for the energy-efficient renovation of historical buildings and also for new buildings with particularly slim profiles.

As "Fineo Heritage", the glass is combined with historicising glass that has the soft structures of historic cast glass. For modernisations of newer but technically outdated IG units (e.g. from the 1990s), "Fineo Hybrid" is an option: Here, a custom-made monolithic Fineo unit with a counter pane is built up to an insulating glass and the technically outdated insulating glass is replaced by means of a glass exchange. Because this can be done directly from the interior with only a few hours of work, the ecological glass replacement saves time, material and money compared to the installation of completely new triple-glazed windows and does not cause any additional painting or façade work that is otherwise common when replacing windows.

Well-preserved or refurbished window frames and profiles can be retained - this is also the most effective resource conservation.

Sustainable is also the decades-long certainty that all technical values remain permanently constant. This is also why the manufacturer grants a 15-year guarantee on the monolithic Fineo unit. In ageing tests, the parent company AGC Glass Europe determined a possible service life of up to 60 years.

, © Fineo Solar

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