Glass Industry News

euroTECH Vertriebs GmbH is becoming euroTECH Handling GmbH

, euroTECH Handling GmbH

euroTECH Vertriebs GmbH is becoming euroTECH Handling GmbH

euroTECH is emphasising its expertise in handling with a new a company name

The company formerly known as euroTECH Vertriebs GmbH is going into the new year full of vigour, under the new name “euroTECH Handling GmbH”. The company’s name change emphasises its continuous development as a specialist in customer-oriented handling solutions and highlights the expansion of its services beyond vacuum technology.

Efficiently handling a large number of different products requires individually customised solutions. euroTECH offers a wide range of standard vacuum lifting devices, produced in-house, which can be individually customised if needed. Comprehensive vertical integration, encompassing vacuum components, allows euroTECH to offer a wide variety of solutions, which is reflected in the new company name.

Proven quality and innovative developments

Since its founding, euroTECH has established itself on the market through its vacuum components, lifting devices and sophisticated solutions for the effective and economical movement, transport and picking of all types of loads. The company is valued for its trademark flexibility and tailor-made handling solutions, which it achieves through the unique synergy of all its departments, from planning to on-site assembly.

Expansion of capacity and range of services

The newly-built company premises has created new capacity for perfecting the processing and production processes, as well as the development of the handling range. euroTECH is continuously expanding its range with new, market-specific solutions that complement the dominant vacuum technology, such as needle grippers.

Innovation in the field of robotics and plant engineering

These developments can also be seen in relation to robotics and the expansion its areas of application. “Cobot Lift” combines robotics and vacuum technology for a modern form of lifting, while “eT-Litocran” allows for lifting devices to be universally used on mobile cranes and telescopic handlers. euroTech has also seen continuous growth in plant engineering and services, such as the development of solar test equipment for autonomous test processes.

Future outlook: comprehensive service and customer-oriented solutions

In the future, the euroTECH service will be characterised to a greater extent by a rental offer for lifting devices and solutions, such as through taking on tests under the German “Accident Prevention Regulations” (Unfallverhütungsvorschrift - UVV). As a handling specialist, euroTECH Handling GmbH is in a position to meet almost any requirement with an appropriate and economical solution. Our solutions enable customers to improve their competitiveness effectively in spite of staff shortages and increasing cost pressure.

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Company profile:

euroTECH offers handling and transport solutions in the field of vacuum technology. The company develops and produce customer-specific vacuum systems and components for automated handling tasks. Thanks to the euroTECH modular construction system, the components can be flexibly adjusted to meet individual customer requirements and spare parts can be installed in a quick and cost-saving manner.

, © euroTECH Handling GmbH

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