Glass Industry News

Envelon PV facade awarded with 2022 MasterPrize

, Grenzebach

At the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao on 24 November, the customisable system for PV facades from Envelon received the Product Design of the Year award at the prestigious 2022 Architecture MasterPrize. Envelon is a subsidiary of the Grenzebach Group.

With its building-integrated photovoltaics, Envelon supports customers on their way to climate neutrality using alternative renewable energies.

At Envelon, in contrast to conventional solar systems on the roof, the focus is on the building facades. Here, the highest standards of aesthetics and output are combined, as shown by the multiple award-winning designs of architect Peter Kuczia.

Solar-active facades for modern buildings

Envelon's innovative solar facade system combines architectural design and solar energy in a durable and flexible glass facade, transforming conventional buildings into renewable electricity generators. These high-performance and cost-effective building-integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are available in a wide range of colours and have already been successfully deployed on large-scale buildings. Envelon reduces technical complexity and has built a simple modular process that essentially activates the building facade.

"The facade material, thanks to the Envelon system, adds value to the building by converting sunlight into electricity, in addition to its traditional functions of technology, protection and aesthetics," says Kuczia.

Solutions for energy-efficient buildings

Envelon is committed to a vertical energy transition worldwide. At its core is a flexible 360-degree approach that includes production in Hamlar, Germany, as well as customised planning for each site and turnkey installation.  This means that building owners, architects and planners can rely on holistic project management, professional support and reliable cooperation.

To meet the demands of architects and builders, Envelon modular facades consist of frameless, high-quality glass elements that simplify the installation and maintenance of facades. The principle of supplying individually planned facade kits or turnkey solutions creates high quality and reliable processing from a single source.

How colours make a difference

Envelon's colour technology offers architects and builders the creative freedom to express their unique aesthetics through a diverse colour palette.

A wafer-thin inner coating on the glass allows the full potential of the colours to be exploited. This creates solar facades that shine all day long and bring buildings to life.

, © Grenzebach

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