Glass Industry News

Encirc set to expand filling capability by 40% to meet growing demand

, Encirc

Leading beverages filler and glass container manufacturer, Encirc (A Vidrala company), is set to increase its wine filling capacity by a further 75 million litres over the next year.

Based out of three sites in Cheshire, England, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, and Corsico near Milan, Encirc offers its customers the world’s only complete beverage supply chain solution for glass products. The company’s unique 360 model allows global brands to bulk ship their wine to its Cheshire site which is filled into bottles made at the same facility and then delivered directly to retailers.

The model is the most sustainable of its kind in the world, with brands cutting out several steps along a product’s traditional route to market, as-well-as the carbon intensive method of shipping wine bottled at source into the UK.

Encirc experienced its most successful year to date in 2020, with its filling lines being at almost full capacity. During the year, more than 400 million bottles of wine and carbonates were filled and sent to UK and European retailers. Encirc’s upcoming investment in its Beverages facilities will increase its filling capacity by up to 40%. The plans will mean the introduction of a new filling line at the Cheshire site among other new projects.

Adrian Curry, Managing Director of Encirc, said: “This will be one of the most significant increases in UK filling capacity in the industry for many years. Our model is the most sustainable way to fill wine in the UK and I am pleased to say that, with this significant investment, it is a model that is here to stay.

“Over the past three years, significant funding has gone into all operations across our three sites, with more than €275 million of investment coming from our Spain-based owners, Vidrala. This recent investment comes as part of Vidrala’s long-term strategy to invest in the UK market. Because of this, we are extremely well placed to continue our incredible growth in filling and further enhance our unrivalled, sustainable, 360 offering.”

, © Encirc

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