Glass Industry News

Encirc named Glass Company of the Year once again at 2021 Glass Focus Awards

, encirc

The company, based in Elton, England, Derrylin, Northern Ireland, and Corsico in Italy, picked up three awards in total at the 2021 ceremony, hosted by British Glass on 20th November. The awards celebrated the uniquely innovative work carried out across Encircs sites over the last 12 months.

Encirc is at the forefront of research and innovation in the packaging sector, with the company continually investing in futureproofing its own operations and taking steps to ensure glass can soon become the worlds most sustainable packaging choice.

Encircs industry renowned trial with Glass Futures to create the worlds most sustainable bottle using low-carbon biofuels and 100% glass cullet allowed it to win in the Innovative Solution category. The bottles, made in the Derrylin site, are thought to be game changing for the industry, and were even displayed at the COP26 global climate conference held in Glasgow.

Encirc also claimed the Strengthening The Business Through People award for its Ignite apprenticeship programme, which offers invaluable placement opportunities within a world-leading business for graduates and young people around its sites.

As well as these three awards, B2B creative agency, The Armstrong Partnership, picked up a gong in the Marketing Impact category for its work with Encirc on The Big Five - a series of engaging presentations for Encircs customers, outlining the company's immediate plans for growth. Meanwhile, Encirc Account Executive, Kerry Jackson, was shortlisted for the Rising Star award after helping navigate the business and its global brands through the minefields of Brexit and the pandemic.

Adrian Curry, Encircs Managing Director, said: Winning these awards is testimony to the world-class, forward-thinking work weve been able to do over the last 12 months.

Everyone has worked hard to play their parts, with our employees, partners and customers going above and beyond every day to ensure we continue to create industry-leading, sustainable packaging for people across Europe. Despite the pandemic and a turbulent market, weve managed to pull together as one, and carry out some of the most exciting projects the industry has ever seen.

Its important to remember that its not just the technology we need to invest in, however. To address the skills gap and the sectors issues around inclusivity, we need more programmes like Ignite to help train our workforces next generation and further futureproof our industry.

, © encirc

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