Glass Industry News

Emhart sells its Refractory Business to the RATH Group

, Bucher Emhart Glass

The Austrian RATH Group, an internationally active company that has stood for high-quality refractory solutions for more than 125 years, has taken over the production facility for refractory materials for the container glass industry, including plants in Owensville (USA).

Bucher Emhart Glass is convinced that this strategic step is beneficial for all parties involved. RATH will take over all the employees in Bucher Emhart Glass’s production and Research site in Owensville, who will gain from the expanded development possibilities within the RATH Group, the specialist for heat resistant technologies and refractory materials. The specialists from both businesses will profit from synergies in product development as well as production. In addition, customers will benefit from the strengthened business, as there are no actual changes with the RATH Group taking over and continuing the complete production facility as well as the product portfolio.

The final sale is planned for fall 2019. Customers of both companies will be informed in due time about the details.

“These are positive news for our customers in the container glass industry! The accelerated development speed plus the expansion of the product portfolio will be in their advantage. Additionally, we will work closely with the RATH Group as we are very aware about the importance of high quality refractory materials for the glass production process”, confirms Martin Jetter, President of Bucher Emhart Glass. “It’s an advantage for the employees in Owensville to be part of the RATH Group whose core business is refractory technology and heat resistant materials.”

For the first time, RATH has its own production site in the heart of the US glass industry.

The RATH Group is expanding its glass competence including a location in Owensville. The other six RATH production sites (out of a total of eight) are located in Austria, Germany and the USA (now with three US production sites). RATH therefore has a strong team of specialists in the areas of manufacturing, development, engineering, sales and after sales. "Our aim is to use our own production plants to produce high-quality refractory products for the container and flat glass industry. With the acquisition of the production facility in Owensville, we are enhancing our service and product portfolio and are gaining broader international market access, to become an even stronger and more reliable partner for our customers worldwide. For example, we are expanding the RATH product portfolio to include feeders, forehearth moldings and spare parts for the specialist industry," says the RATH management. "In addition, we are extending our competence leadership in glass thanks to a strengthened R&D team." The RATH management continues: “Our close collaboration with Bucher Emhart Glass in the future means that we will benefit from our mutual strengths and we will pass this added value on to our customers.”

, © Bucher Emhart Glass

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