Glass Industry News

Deceuninck and AGC Glass Europe enter into a strategic partnership


Deceuninck, specialised in the development and production of PVC and aluminium window and door profiles, and AGC Glass Europe, a European leader in flat glass, have entered into a strategic partnership. The combination of their know-how and expertise in their respective fields has resulted in new innovative solutions that enable the integration of Fineo vacuum glass into the PVC and aluminium profiles of the Elegant and Decalu series respectively. This way architects, building contractors and owners have access to solutions that meet the ever stricter requirements in the field of thermal and acoustic performance and light transmission. The first systems solutions will be presented during the Polyclose fair at the stands of both strong brands. 

Deceuninck integrates ultra-slim glazing into PVC and aluminium profiles
Although the two elements have been inextricably connected for centuries, window frames and glazing were two very distinct things until recently. Lately, manufacturers and suppliers of both components have started working together in order to offer high-quality comprehensive solutions. “In late 2014 we already reached an agreement with AGC Glass Europe to launch innovative solutions together. Over the years, we renewed our successful cooperation a few times, and made it stronger”, says Bernard Vanderper, sales manager Western Europe at Deceuninck. “On 12 October of this year, we took this cooperation a step further and signed a strategic partnership, enabling us to now offer the Elegant PVC and Decalu aluminium window profiles with Fineo vacuum glass. Our R&D division revised and adjusted the sealing concept for these different series, so that we can now integrate this ultra-slim glazing into our profiles without losing the unrivalled level of thermal and acoustic insulation and light transmission.” 

The development of vacuum glazing is the solution for the future
Stefan Lips, sales director Fineo with AGC Glass Europe, adds: “Contemporary architecture is characterised by large windows. In order to comply with the stricter demands where insulation is concerned, we need to constantly adjust and develop our glazing solutions. One of the things we did is replace double glazing with triple glazing. Obviously, this has an impact not only on the cost, but also and especially on the weight of the window systems. We are approaching the limits that can be supported by the hardware. In addition, the concept of circular economy not only includes window profiles, but glazing as well. The Fineo vacuum glazing, with a thickness as from 6 mm, offers a solution the characteristics of which are comparable to and even better than those of triple glazing but which has only two panes of glass. This type of glazing requires less raw materials, is much lighter and 100% recyclable.”

Innovative solutions presented for the first time at Polyclose
Over the past few years, both of these strong brands have made major investments in the optimisation of their solutions so as to be able to respond to market demand. With the Elegant series, Deceuninck has developed an innovative product platform for window and door solutions, incorporating iCOR as a revolutionary building block and modular heart of the profiles. Apart from the seals on the inside and outside of the profile, this solution also has a central seal, which acts as an additional barrier for heat and cold. “This way we achieve better results where thermal and acoustic insulation, wind resistance and watertightness are concerned. We have gone even further by combining these profiles with the Fineo vacuum glazing”, concludes Bernard Vanderper. “We want to inform architects, building contractors and owners of the advantages of these systems. Today our focus is on the Benelux, but we also plan to introduce the systems in other European countries. The first results of our partnership will be presented at our stands (1400 and 1018) at Polyclose, as well as at the stand of AGC Glass Europe (1210).”

, © AGC

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