Glass Industry News



Leading glass packaging company, Croxsons, has produced distinctive glass packaging for Eden Mill’s best selling brand – Love Gin.

With glass replacing ceramic as the preferred packaging medium, the new 70cl bottle for trade, along with the existing 50cl size for retail, has seen online sales of Love Gin double since launch. The distiller has retained the traditional Eden Mill Love Gin ceramic bottle as an option to buy via its website.

Eden Mill, Scotland’s first single-site distillery and brewery, crafting gin, whisky and beer, opted to change the packaging of its stylish pink gin in response to trade and consumer feedback. The result is a new lightweight glass bottle, which is more easily recycled than its ceramic counterpart. And by using 18% less glass than most other spirit bottles, it attracts a lower carbon footprint, helping Eden Mill to emphasise its sustainability commitment.

From an aesthetic perspective, the crystal cut dimple effect ties into heritage of St Andrews and golf, replicating the style of bottle previously used on the Eden Mill distillery site back in the 1800s. An additional benefit of the design is that it provides much better pouring capability for the trade in mixing and serving drinks, as well as in stock taking. The bottle is complemented by a printed shield label design on the front and a white cork stopper as a closure.

“Having listened to feedback from both trade and consumers, the new glass Love Gin design represents an important statement for Eden Mill,” said Tony Kelly, co-owner of Eden Mill. “By being 100% carbon efficient, we aim to be the first carbon neutral distillery by 2022, so from a sustainability perspective, moving to glass is the right strategy for the business. It also enables us to create some important production and supply chain efficiencies as a result.

“Once again Croxsons have provided an on-brand solution that not only complements our existing range, but also helps reinforce our heritage in a striking and stylish way, whilst providing some beneficial practicalities, particularly for the trade. It also helps that customers can see the beautiful pink colour of our gin in the bottle”.

Croxsons’ chief operating officer, Tim Croxson, commented: “Eden Mill’s ceramic look is well established, but the switch to glass has been important, not least in delivering increased sustainability. As a new addition, the new 70cl size bottle will be well suited to the trade for volume serves, stock takes and ease of pour, while the traditional 50cl Love Gin version will continue to delight consumers.”

Eden Mill and Croxsons are currently in collaboration on the development of a glass miniature Love Gin version, which will be used across the range in a variety of miniature packs.


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